Chapter 18 His last melody

Start from the beginning

"Please...Damion...I -I can't B-breath!" He gave her a sideways glance with a pure evil smile and his eyes no longer gold but black as coal. "Good!...I hope you....die!" she knew that this was not him and calling his name was not letting him snap out of it this time. She slowly got up and fell forward causing her to hug him from behind.

"Calm down, my sweet, come back to me, calm down and....come...b-back...-t-to....m-me!!" she had lost all air as she fell to the ground. He gasped has his eyes turned back to normal but with dark circles around them. All the air came back into the room and the ice and fire cleared up. He looked around confused , then looked at his hands.

He turned to see Solenia on the floor not breathing. He walked over to her and Kissed her. He got up and walked away to give her room. He snapped his fingers and Solenia sat up quickly gasping deeply collecting the air.

She panted, he kneeled beside her. "You ok?" He asked like all of what just happened didn't bother him. Solenia started having a coughing fit. He just patted her back while she coughed.

"There, there just let it all out." He said with less emotion than before all this happened. "W-what...*cough*! you?" she studdered to say when she was interuped with Damion's lips on hers. He pulled away to see Solenia blushing red in embaressment. "I'm glad your ok." Damion said while brushing a stray hair out of the way.

His attitude changed to his regular attitude when he said that. Solenia looked into his eyes to see nothing but pure gold. She smiled a bit while still coughing. "What happened to you?" she asked. "Something that dosen't concern you." His eyes flashed black for a quick second.

Her eyes widdened, she saw nothing but utter darkness and evil for that split second. "Now you need rest." He picked her up. "Come on someone needs a nap." "I'M NOT A BABY!" she yelled.

"I know but you look like you need rest." "Your not my baby sitter." She mummbled. "WHAT DID YOU SAY!!!" he yelled. "Nothing, nothing, nothing...hahaha!" "That's what I thought now what am I ?" he said. "A guy who need's to brush his teeth more often."

She mumbled.His hands grew ice. "WHHAAAA! Cold! Cold! Cold! COLD!!!" "Lemme ask you that again, what am I?" "Uh a man I love so every much with all my heat, and uh m-my...babysitter." She mummbled the last part. He chuckled.

He made his hands colder. "Wha why is it so cold!" "Because my hands are cold...dummy." Solenia started to fire up.

"WHO ARE YOU CALLING DUMMY YOU MEANY!" she yelled. Damion just chuckled softly. "You, silly." He kissed her forehead and when he pulled away steam came from her forehead. "Why is steam coming from my forehead!" he smiled a devilish smile. "You ask too many questions." He kissed her.

After awhile he pulled away and she was dazed. His eyes flashed black quickly once again. "Hold on...Did you..just do that TO SHUT ME UP!" she came out of the daze she was in. "...Maybe..." "UGH! YOU WERE!!" she yelled heating up even more. "Hey! Hey! I said maybe! That dosen't mean yes or no." "True..." she said calming down. He smiled.

They arrived at their bedroom, he had set her down gently and closed the balcony doors and locked them. He let out a big sigh, and started to make his way to the closet. Solenia just sat there. He came back out with black jeans and a black hoodie with a gold D on the side. Solenia couldn't see anything, the only light in the room was from the moon.

"Damion you still here?" she asked with a bit of fear in her voice. "Yeah I'm here." He said as he stepped into the light. "Why are you wearing black?"

"Blending in with the shadows, so you don't know where I'm gonna come from." "Are you trying to scare me?" she asked standing at the side of the bed. She heard chuckles around the room followed by an echo of snapped fingers. She looked down and saw she was in her flowy white night gown.

The Crystal Heir vol.1 Broken reflectionWhere stories live. Discover now