Chapter 14 First time for everything

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Damion's p.o.v

That meeting was some what useful I learned some new stuff while I was in there like the anniversary of my Kingdoms birth is coming up, and there is supposed to be a festival for it called the festival of Creation since my kingdom is known as the kingdom of creation.

But other than that it was completely boring, I didn't even know that I had to give a report on the progress of my kingdom! But....i gave It anyway.

I got back to my room and jumped into my bed not wanting to move for the rest of the night but I had to shower. "I hate meetings! I am so tired!!!!!!" I screamed into the sheets of the bed. ( Don't worry sweetheart you'll be home soon enough) I recognized that voice anywhere. (Solenia!) I said with my happiest tone.

(Hey, I heard your screams of annoyance so I thought I could help) I smiled.(Well you helped.) (But how? I didn't do anything yet) I laughed (Just hearing your voice made me feel better.) I could feel that she was blushing.

(Oh well glad I could help... so what's up I haven't heard from you for 2 Days) CRAP I totally forgot to talk to Solenia she must have been worried but then again she didn't talk to me until now.... Ah she probably thought I was busy.

(Yeah sorry about that.... It was a very boring trip and I didn't want to talk to anyone then today I crashed into one of my oldest friends from my past!) She stayed silent for a few moments. (And when you mean crash you mean literally crashed into your friend....) how did she know!

(Uh yeah I crashed into hm on my hover board.) (Damion I have told you so many times to stay focused when your on the board... and I'm guessing you know why now.) (Yeah I do.... Anyway how have you been?)

(I have been very tired and training recently with Luna.P.) (How is our little princess?) I asked. I felt bad that I didn't say goodbye to her when she was awake, but now my family wants me home, i'm not leaving them again. (Why don't you ask her yourself.) (Hi Daddy!) Luna.P came into the conversation.

(Hey Kiddo how's it going?) (Good I miss you when are you coming home?) I laughed my little girl missed her father. ( tomorrow evening princess, has your mother been good?) (If you were here I would punch you in the arm so I'll just save till you get home.) (ha.... Um mommy has been sleeping a lot.)

(Told you I have been sleeping a lot eating a bunch..... and training of course.) (Riiight....anyway I got to go I'm going to relax talk to me when your about to sing the lullaby.)

(You got it I'll talk to you later.) (Bye Daddy!) I signed off with them and stared at the ceiling. " so do you usually have an entire conversation with yourself of what?" Asher was leaning against the door post. "Naw just finished talking to the wifey and my daughter."

"Ah ok the imaginary wife alright" I laughed. "What do you want?" I asked. "Well I was thinking we could go to the bar in town!" "What?! No way bro I'm not going to a bar." "Come on bro how old are you?" "Uh...24 Why?" "Your past the legal drinking age so come on!!!!"

(He's right this is your one night to live it up until you have to go back home to the wife and kid.... Come on one night without Solenia without the kingdom having to be protected....i say go all out!) He's right this is a night for me and only me! All though this would be my first time at a bar of course..... but AW who cares YOLO!

"Ok I'm in but I'm warning you this is my first time drinking." "Whaaat this is your first time! Aw don't worry dude the bar tender is a nice guy he'll start you out small and when you think your ready he will give you the hard core stuff!" "Alright lets do this!"

I had no idea of what I was getting myself into but I honestly don't care right now. We walked into the club/bar there was super loud music booming in my ears but I didn't mind. Asher led me to me counter and sat me down.

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