Chapter 13-Daddy' s Girl

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His usual attempts at alchemy sucked, but he was raw with talent concerning his priest heritage. Havoc had informed Sota that his abilities felt as strong as Kagome's concerning his holy powers, which meant he might have an equally strong gene from Roy with alchemy.

The box of old sutras that had once resided in Kagome's room were free game in Sota's book. Besides, Havoc had already agreed that he was fit for them. Though Sota had no training whatsoever Havoc thought it all the more fun. Said that's what instincts were for and he'd promised to watch from a safe distance otherwise he knew he'd be in the doghouse with his girlfriend. Curiosity killed the cat, but Sota wasn't a cat and knew what he was doing... kind of... sort of... theoretically speaking he had the gist of it...

Sota fiddled with one of the many sutras in the box. He'd been contemplating over this for almost an hour when the epiphany hit him like as hard as a subjugation spell. Would that work? Sota glanced at the holy writing of an ancient monk. Kagome was one of the few people who could combine holy power and alchemy, but here Sota was thinking he might've discovered something. This sutra was a ward for protection. There were about five of them in the box, fifty altogether sutras. He needed to test one of them though. Sota pulled out a pen and quickly scribbled an alchemy rune right over the holy script uniting the duo together. The staff was hidden, lying in the grass next to the garden that lined Kagome's room. Of course his sister of all people would make her part of the building look nice even on the outside.

He stole a glance at Breda who was busy playing chess with Falman under the light of the stars. Fuery was helping Breda since no one could ever beat Falman. They often came outside at night when not patrolling to test their eyes and keep them adept at seeing in the dark. To anyone passing by they were just a couple of soldiers shooting the breeze with conversation at night. However, it was a secluded area of the base that they normally picked, one right next to the gym.

Roy's only son slipped the piece of paper onto the ground right between his feet and quietly lifted up the staff. "Yo! Breda! Hit me with your best shot!" Havoc was leaning against the steps being a good adult and watching after Sota when it was way past his bed time. Besides, if push came to shove he wanted to help.

Breda chuckled and shook his stocky head without sparing Sota a glance. "Sorry kid. I don't think you know what you're asking for."

Oh, so it was going to be like that? Why didn't the grownups ever give him a chance to prove himself? Fine. He reached down and retrieved the staff. "Oh, scared to take on a kid like me. I see how it is," Sota taunted. "You're always used to hiding behind my sister so it makes sense you wouldn't want to challenge me." Breda felt a nerve strike home. The fact that he'd been unable to do much in regards to protecting Kagome in the past was a bone Breda didn't like anyone picking at.

"Look Sota, you may be my uncle but-" And Breda looked up at the jangling sound of something he hadn't heard in five hundred years. "Where did you-?"

Sota raised the staff, repeating a mantra in his head, and brought it down sending a barrier springing towards Breda and knocked him right on his ass. Because Falman was a demon as well he was sent sprawled over on the dirt. Fuery was lucky, he'd noticed in time to duck. Like father like son when it came to avoiding danger. "Don't underestimate me Ship," called out Sota. Breda sprung back up and charged towards Sota who had his staff ready for it. The transmutation symbol forged with the sutra. He wanted to know how far his boundaries could go.

"Fox fire," whispered Breda, not wanting to let on to Havoc that he was a demon. Let Havoc believe he'd taken some of Roy's gloves or something. Breda's hand flung out shooting flames towards Sota who raised his own staff in front of him and concentrated on breaking up that fox fire. Almost immediately the fire hit a barrier upon touching that staff and the dark energy was purified. However, due to alchemy none of that energy was lost. The heat and oxygen was separated. Sota sent out a small amount of the purified heat and oxygen back towards Breda. The oxygen knocked Breda's feet out from under him, making them sting since it was purified. The heat hit Breda's arms he'd thrown up last second and left a good scorch on them.

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