Chapter 1- My Father

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A/N: Wanted to mention I made Edward 16 (not 15) at this time & Kagome is 17. I wanted to give him 1 more year & her 2.

-Edward Elric- 16 Years Old

Kagome Higurashi- 17 Years Old---------------

Kagome's mother had been worried for her daughter for so long ever since she'd returned from the well. Mrs. Higurashi had watched as Kagome cried inside the well house desperate tears, forgoing leaving the well for a total of three days. Souta ad delivered his sister food all those times and watched Kagome pick at her plate from the bottom of the well, a blanket wrapped tight around her to keep her from the cold. He tried speaking to his sister to no avail, it was like she was in another world, or rather another time. Kagome's grandfather had even lain off on giving her charms to make her feel better and had tried to talk her out of leaving the well house, but every try he did just made him realize how much of her heart had been left on the other side. He walked away very soon after his first attempt, knowing that Kagome needed a break down after what she'd probably seen.

On the fourth night Mrs. Higurashi, carrying a lamp in her hand, found Kagome crying at the bottom of the well with her fingers covered in dirt and her nails worn down so much that they bled from trying to unbury the earth. Kagome pounded at the dark stable earth with her hand and tears were falling down her cheeks only to be soaked into the dirt. Her raspy voice cried out, "Open dammit! Please! It wasn't supposed to happen like this! Not like this!" Kagome screeched and pounded on the earth until she crumpled into a ball, hands outstretched in the dirt. Choked sobs shook Kagome's body and Mrs. Higurashi began to cry as well. Never in her life did she want to see her firstborn cry like that and look so frail, her first born that had been so strong was reduced to this all because of a jewel. Mrs. Higurashi was very close to Kagome, then again, her young daughter had matured faster than any of her friends after being in the Feudal Era. Upon hearing her mother crying Kagome looked up and blinked as if seeing something for the first time in days. It was as if she had finally arisen from her despair and noticed a new world around her. Kagome blinked for a moment through tear glazed eyes.

"Mama," she croaked in a strained voice, "is that you?" Mrs. Higurashi climbed down the ladder to the bottom of the well, a firm hand holding the lamp to illuminate the small dismal opening. When Mrs. Higurashi got to the bottom she wrapped a comforting arm around Kagome. "Mama... it won't open... ever again." Mrs. Higurashi rubbed Kagome's back, she'd been waiting for Kagome to finally admit this and now it had happened. She only wished her little girl had been spared the heartache for she knew how much Kagome had cared for Inuyasha, in those two years the duo had become more than close friends. Kagome threw herself into her mother's arms and let herself cry all the heartbreak out. Mrs. Higurashi just held her daughter, sometimes tears were the best forms of getting by and moving on. Mrs. Higurashi desperately hoped her daughter would be happy again.


A whole month had passed and Kagome hated partaking in anything not school related. It was far too boring for her to go back to this humdrum life, even though she tried in vain to fit in. She wasn't interested though in the new singers or latest fads. Not that Kagome had much of a life in her own world when she'd been traveling with the group in the Feudal Era. And after all that travel Kagome had gained a level of maturity none of her peers seemed to possess. Kagome exuded confidence when she walked into a classroom, her back straight and head held high, and if someone questioned why she was dallying in the hallway she just game them a look that she'd adapted from hanging around Sesshomaru. Obviously being the 'mature and mysterious' Kagome, as people took to describing her now, she gained a lot of unwanted attention. Admirers flocked to her desk leaving notes and poems that Kagome picked up and discarded in the trashcan when no one was looking. Just because she didn't like anyone didn't mean she had to be mean to their faces. Hojo tried in vain to get Kagome to notice him; he even went so far as to wait for in front of her house every morning before school. Kagome had patted his cheek and said quietly with solemn eyes and a bittersweet smile, "You're too sweet Hojo." Though he still tried to gain Kagome's attention every now and then, he had realized after the first week, of her month back, that he was at most just a friend for her and that's all he'd ever be.

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