The ride was tense. All the new revelations didn't sit well with us, or with me. What was I supposed to do now? Where did my loyalty lie? Kellan didn't say a word and neither did I. Then he parked outside of a huge house and I had no doubt it was Dylan's. They always seemed to come from money. Gus appeared in the door, frantic and pale. She had blood over her entire body. It dripped on the floor, leaving bloodied footprints since she was barefoot. "I don't know what to do, Kellan. They..." She looked back, fearful. "They're all over. His entire family came home..."

She choked off the rest and looked away.

We stepped around and surveyed the scene. Bodies were everywhere. Their eyes were all wide open, blank. Death glazed over them.

Kellan asked, almost normal, "Where's Vespar?"

"He's home. He didn't want to come once he knew I had called you. I'm sorry, Kellan. I really am. I know that..." She didn't say anymore, but bit her hand with tears running down her cheeks.

This wasn't a scene I was used to, but I felt like it was to Kellan. That unnerved me the most. Gus seemed hysterical, like she had done something she hadn't wanted to, but he was cold—completely cold to what had happened. I felt a kick in my gut and knew the messenger sensed what was going on. It was angry. Again.

Kellan looked at me sharply. He sensed the messenger in me too, but I clamped down and quieted it. It went silent immediately. He looked back to the room and asked, disappointed, "There was a child, Gus?"

She bit back a cry. "There were three of them. I didn't know. I was so—he was chanting something and it was hurting me. When they showed up, he stopped, and I was so mad. I couldn't hold back. I didn't know they were here until... I am so sorry, Kellan."

I bit back everything and numbed myself. That was when I started actually looking at the bodies, at who they were. "He's not here. Dylan isn't here."

Kellan whirled around. We both looked at Gus. She shook her head. "I don't know where he is. I'm sorry..."

"He's still alive?"

"He knew things...chants..." She looked away, still crying.

A sudden realization occurred to me. "He knew what we are."

She nodded, still turned away.

"Oh my god."

Kellan didn't say anything, but then he waved a hand over the bodies. As he started to mutter some words under his breath, Gus gasped, "What are you doing? That'll bring them here."

He stopped and looked at her. "They're already coming, Gus. At least I can make this right."

She quieted and turned into a corner. Her back was to us and she sobbed.

He continued and something sparked the air. I felt it swirling around us, picking up speed. It was strong. Powerful. Kellan warranted it easily, as if he'd born to do so. Then I felt it touch me and gasped. It was life—it was theirs. I looked at him with renewed eyes—what couldn't he do? He was trying to give them their lives back.

What demon did that?

Our sister still cried while he continued to mount the spell. It circled my feet, then my legs, my stomach, and I lifted my arms. With my head bent, I closed myself down and let the messenger out. It answered what was going on, how I had hoped it would, and somehow I knew the words to say along with Kellan. Both of us gave life to the spell and then suddenly everything exploded between us. Bursts of light sparked and flew into their mouths.

It was done as soon as it had started.

When it was, when I felt their souls return to their bodies, Kellan gasped, "We have to leave. Now. They can't see us."

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