Day three (part two) (23)

Start from the beginning

"what are you doing?", I try and say in a steady voice. he smirks as he starts to pull his pants off, my eyes widen at his actions. "we're going swimming, do you need help taking your clothes off. I will gladly help you", I flip him off; he laughs at my actions and I start to take my shirt off. Parker staring at me as I do so, I take my pants off and I'm left with my undergarments. I walk up to parker and put my arms around his neck. I whisper into his ear "it's rude to stare", I say and start to place tender kisses on his neck. he grunts and pulls me off him "stop". amused I smile and put my body tight against him, he presses his lips together and closes his eyes "why?"

He moves away and runs towards the lake, getting in. "seems like your excited", I muse "Not the only part of me that excited", I laugh at what he says and get in as well. Parker lifts me up by my hips and swings me around on in the air. he places me bridal style in his arms , I put my arms around his neck and lean in. Our lips connecting, I savour the taste of his lips on mine, so soft and delicate against mine. he drops my legs into the water and pulls away to splash me with water. I gasp and playfully glare at him

I launch myself at him and both fall back into the water. resurfacing our laughter echoing everywhere. I'm going to miss this.


We sit down on the ground staring at the sun setting. "I haven't been this happy in a long time", I say under my breath "me neither". Parkers replies. He looks at me his a beautiful mixture of blue and the reflection of the sun's rays orange rays. "I'm going to miss you", I intertwine our hands. "You're talking as if you're going to die, which I'm not gonna let happen". we stare at each other for what feels like an eternity. Parker is the first to break the stare by pulling me up and tossing me my clothes. I hastily put them . I start to walk back the way we came but parker grabs my and turns I turn to look at him with a confused face. "I have a place where we can stay", I follow him down a different pathway.

After about ten minutes of walking, we come to a big lake house. Opening the door wooden door the first thing I see is a grand piano, at my old town before everything happened my parents would always sit around the piano while I sing them a song. It's one of my favourite memories.

"can I?", I ask like an excited child.

"go ahead," he says in an amused, a smile tugging at his lips.

I sit on it and run my fingers gently against the keys. I start to play the keys and my voice soon follows. ( song on the side).

When the white flag sails, covered in streaks of blood

There'll be an endless sea, of us, rising up

And the preacher man, and the preacher's son

Will stand arm in arm, just like everyone

Me longing to be free, I won't let you fade away

We shed so many dreams, I'll let them fade away

In the hands of love, we carry on

Stronger than we started

Be ashamed of the trail behind us

Wicked is the blinded

Who we come to life, yeah

Who we come to life

When the water spills, the glass will break

It drips like tears, running up your face

And the hounds will cry, for the dance of war

But the songs of joy, their victory will soar

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