Ivry and Alex were sisters who never came out of the room they shared. They spent hours reading, righting and playing games. I couldn't blame them. That sounds like a perfect life. Dylan was obsessed with cars and technology, as was his perfect match and mate, Molly. They both have there own auto shop downtown that they drive to everyday and help the workers fix the cars. Then what they call the rascals of the pack, were Cole, Adam and Avery. Three different moms but a hell of allot in common. That were all the same age, six, and they couldn't sit still through the whole dinner. All in all they were too much and they made me forget about the whole Noa situation. Sadly i would have to face what was going to happen, good or bad. But at the moment i was just focusing on what my favorite color was because the boys were curious.

~Noa's P.O.V~

Shit, my wolf was going insane! He was dying to shift and strained his muscles trying to do so. He knew it wouldn't work and yet he was still persistent about it. All i could hear was his growling and screaming and clawing. It was giving me such a fucking headache! I needed sleep too. I mean i'm half human i need some flipping sleep!

"Would you cut it out already Alex," my mom scolded from the front of the cell. He huffed at her and stopped, then smirked.

"Alright give it to me straight you hag. What's the plan? Torture? More wolfs bane? Keep me locked up till she dies?" He laughed cruelly. I could tell he was slowly loosing his mind while i just sat there annoyed as fuck at his stubbornness.

"Oh it will be torture," she smirked walking closer to the cage. "As you know she will hit the highest stage of heat once the weak is up, and until then it'll only get worse. Everyone has their eyes on her. I mean she is no virgin no thanks to her father, but she is still craving every part of you. By tomorrow it'll start to hurt her. Burn and bubble in her stomach. After that, only two more days left till... poof. Gone forever. Jay, would you come down here for a sec," my eyes widened and my wolf audibly whimpered. Doesn't this bitch know i'm naked! That's only gonna make this worse. Ugh she's crazy!

Jay walked up to my mother seeming a bit frightened, as she sniffed the air. My arousal mixed with hers, and soon my wolf was griping the bars and growling lowly at my mother. Jay only had a pair of jean shorts on, as her crystal white hair covered her breasts. My wolf dropped to his knees and almost drooled at the sight. My cock visibly twitched and Alex slapped his hand over it and growled at me.

"Jay do me a favor and sit in that cell please," my mom pointed to the one right across from me. "Now, you will remain in here with Noa and Alex until he gives up, and he will, and he mates with you. Trust me after he mates with you he won't hate you anymore than he hates himself, and he's to proud to hate himself isn't that right, Alex-"

"Fuck you," he seethed. I could tell he was going to crack. Hell he was damn close to it.

"Are you bloody insane Sam," Jay screamed. I could tell it wasn't Jay, as her eyes turned blue from their usual gray. "Sam i know you mean well, but this can end one of two ways. Either Alex rips us to shreds or he mates with us and hates us forever. This isn't a win win situation here," he growled as my mother locked the cell

She smiled and headed towards the stairs without another word. 

It was quiet for a while. Jay faced the wall staring ahead with no emotion written on her face, and Alex just stared at her for the longest time.

"You can smell me going into heat can't you," she said, almost inaudible. "By tomorrow the scent will drive you crazy and you'll do either one of the things," She Said. "Honestly, i rather you rip me to shreds than mate with me and hate me forever. Whatever makes you happy, because even after all this i'm still a nice person. I can't be mad. My father killed my mother, so it'll be exactly like that. Not a big deal. As long as you end up happy with a true woman as your mate-"

"Just stop," Alex cut her off almost on the verge of tears. "I never meant to kill Junior, i was too strong at the moment and didn't even have control over my own actions. You try being an alpha dormant for a hundred years, only to find out you're mated to another guy. It's-"

"repulsive? Degrading? Horrible?," she whimpered. "Because i've heard it all. You forget i know what the torture and pain is like. Maybe i don't know what being dormant for a hundred years is like but i know torture. The kind where you want to escape but miss every opportunity to because someone gets in your way and knocks you down. But i got back up. I escaped and i wish i never had. I wish i never met you. I would've rather lived a mate less life than to have met you. I left hell, only to be met with it's fucking leader," she cried and curled up. her back was towards us and she faced the wall, drowning in her own tears. 

"You know, Liam is actually a really nice guy. He's loving and caring and i know you don't want to hear it, but he loves you. Even in your darkest hour he excepted you for who you were and so did i. We hate you for rejecting us, but we love you. We can't help it. We can't help who we are or what fate decides and all you're doing is cheating fate. You killed your first mate and you're going to watch your other one die. Fate was nice enough to give you a girls body, but i guess the male for a wolf part is a given. I'm not the only one like this you know. It's not wrong, we aren't abominations, and we have feelings too. If it were wrong, we wouldn't exist Alex," she continued. 

I forced myself to stay awake so that Alex couldn't sleep. I could tell everything she said was sinking into his tiny brain, and he was finally understanding what unconditional love was. I just hope it was enough to make him change his mind...

My Blind MateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora