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All the boys could do was stare. They couldn't help my current situation or save my life. I was fighting for survival. "Harper..." was all Levi was able to say. I was slowly dying. The poison was too strong for me to fight. The boys knew it would take a miracle to save my life. Using what little strength I had left, I pulled myself up and stood, shakily mind you, on my feet. I felt lightheaded and fell. Nate caught me before I could hit the floor. The door had been opened and I hadn't even realised it. The room around me was spinning I was feeling lightheaded. "We gotta get you some help." Nate said. I mumbled "You can't save me Nate..." But that didn't stop them from trying.


After half an hour, I woke up feeling a lot better. I was back in the infirmary. I looked around to see the boys stood by the counter where the painkiller was. They didn't realise I was awake. I sat playing with the tube that was helping me to breathe. I still had poison running through my system. "Harper." The only one to notice was Nate. I waved slightly, before lying back down slowly falling asleep. "She's still weak." Austin said. I knew that meant I was dying. I was right, I was going to die in The HellHouse with the boys. I didn't want to. I wanted to simply make some are friends, dead or alive, and go home to my family. Not die because of poison. I started crying slightly. I knew what was going to happen to me and I didn't want it to happen. I wanted to survive but I didnt know if I was going to make it out alive. (if I quit calling you my lover and move on! No? Okay...) Death seemed inevitable for me now that the poison was running through me. Every passing minute felt like forever. I woke with a start. "Are you okay?" Drew asked. I nodded. "Had a werid falling dream's been happening a lot since I got here." I replied, sitting up. The tube that was connected to an oxygen tank was my form of entertainment since my phone was smashed. The boys kept telling me stories of what they were like when they were alive. I sat and listened. They're stories interested me and I was starting to feel a lot better. 'Am I supposed to die here?' I thought.

|A/N| So this was meant to be out earlier but wattpad was under going maintenance so I couldn't publish it meaning I've had to re-write the last part. I don't even remember what it said!

Anyways, This Is Charley, Signing Off xx

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