An Odd Encounter

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'Phew. I think I outran them.' Raven slowed to a walk and looked around her surroundings. She sat on a log and though,'Finally, no more Trappers.' She adjusted her pure black cloak and a little cloud of smoke formed around her fingers. She wielded it into a fire and set up camp. She settled down next to the fire, her eyes just barely open. The dark-brown haired teen heard a faint snap near her. She sprang to her feet and put her hood up. The smoke in her hands disappeared and she put up her fists, ready for hand to hand combat. Raven called out,"Who's there?" Someone who wore a jacket came out of the bushes with his hands in the air. He calmly said,"My name is Charmless." She tilted her head in confusion,'Charmless what an odd name...' She shook it off and stood her ground,"Why are you here? And what are you after?" Charmless smirked,"I'm going through the forest trying to get to a mountain on the other side of it. And what am I after," He narrowed his eyes,"That's for me to know ma'am." Raven put down her fists even though she didn't trust him one bit,"One more question." Charmless waited and Raven asked,"Is anyone with you?" He shook his head sighing,"All on my own." She nodded and sat by her fire and was startled when Charmless sat on the other side of the fire. There was a long awkward silence which was broken by the sound of a singing bird. Raven sighed,"So Charmless," she adjusted her cloak just right,"Have you seen any hunters around? I need to find one of them." He nodded,"Not too far from here actually. Who are you looking for?" She sighed,"Do I have to tell a stranger everything? She's a friend. Her name is Hannah." Charmless thought for a long while and asked a panicking question,"Who are you." Her heart rate quickened and answered partly true,"I'm Raven. I'm trying to look for my father who is in an unknown village." Charmless shook his head disappointed,"I know you're lying." Raven stiffened not knowing what to say. 

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