"Oh yeah! Bloody hell, then, then, then! What if these people are..." I looked around the hallway, making sure no one would be able to over hear us. "What if these people," Hermione glared at me venamously. I put my hands up in defense. Merlin was she scary when she's angry. "Per se, were extremely powerful, and had the power to get into Hogwarts?" Hermione's face looked like a mixture of scared and worried. I bit my lip. What if someone, anyone, would be able to do that. 

"I-I-I guess that would be a possibility. But a highly unlikely possibility." Hermione shook her head of the thought. I smiled mischieviously at Hermione. Her eyes widened as she began to shake her head over and over once more.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, NO!" Hermione exclaimed staring at me with fearful eyes. I frowned.

"Well Why not?" I complained crossing my arms. Hermione stopped walking, and put down her books on the floor.

"Look, Ana. Pretend for once that I'm the older friend. That I'M the more wise one for once." I looked down at her disbelievingly. She sighed. She climbed up the bench that was nearby.

"There. NOW can you please listen to me?" I nodded.

"Good. Now, if per se these 'people' are indeed...you-know-whats, then how would you go about checking to see if your...hypothesis is correct?" Hermione asked me. I smiled.

"Well, if my hypothesis is correct, then we would first go to the scene of the crime and investigate like, like Sherlock Homes!" I made a mental note to contragulate myself later for remembering that name. Hermione nodded in respose.

"I see. Well, then if you do end up going to the scene of the crime, how are you supposed to go about getting into the Forbidden Forest? You certainly cannot go there alone, and you certainly cannot go there during the day, seeing as the professors would catch you instantly." I grinned myschieviously up at Hermione nodding my head.

"Well, then if I can't go alone, and I can't go during the day, then I have to go with a friend. You know, I was thinking a friend who has dealt with these kinds of things before." I said nudging at Hermione's arm.

"And what makes you think I would go willingly?" Hermione questioned me crossing her arms.

"Well, I don't know. I thought you wouldn't want me to tell Professor McGonagall that you, Hermione Granger was going to enter the Tri Wizard Tournament by taking an...aging potion." I said while walking away slowly from her. I saw her eyes twitch somewhat.

"You wouldn't dare." Hermione said menacingly through her dagger eyes.

"Oh, I would. And I think I would also give her a tip that I heard from an anomynous source that you also sneaked out to the Forbidden Forest, simply to retireve an ingredient for her aging potion." I threatened. This, time however, Hermione jumped off of her bench and onto my back.

"You can't do that with me on your back." Hermione smiled victoriously. I grinned.

"Or can I?" I proceeded to run to the direction to Professor McGonagall's offfice. That is until Hermione's weight got to me, and we both fell, Hermione landing ontop of me. I moaned.

"Are you ready to give up?" Hermione asked me grinning victoriously yet again. I grunted once more, turning my head in the direction of the Great Hall. I grinned madly.

"Not a chance. Look." I said as got out underneath Hermione and ran in the direction of the Great Hall. For, walking towards the Great Hall, was Professor McGonagall. Confused, Hermione looked to the direction of the Great Hall and her eyes widened two times from their original sizes. She began to run as well. I looked behind me and smiled broadly. Finally, I caught up to Professor McGonagall.

You Are My Everything { A Fred Weasley Story }Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя