[7] Part One: They're Coming

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Author's Note: This chapter will be split up into four parts. This chapter will be the opening and such to it. I'm sorry if this chapter is short (I can't really tell. I'm typing this on Wattpad.), but I HAVE to get two chapters done before 12:00pm, and it's already 8:53am. I'm extremely slow at typing. SO, sorry. But I do hope you enjoy this chapter!

Chapter Seven: Part One: They're Coming

~*~! Fred's Point of View !~*~

   I stared at the stars that were glowing outside my window. I love the night. I thought in my head. It's the best time to pull pranks, and...it's the only time when you feel like your alone. That nobody else can feel how you're feeling at that moment, when you realize it's the night time. But tonight, that feeling of loneliness was not there. I turned to look at the empty bed beside me. George's bed. He had said that after we had pranked the Slytherins, we were going to meet up back here in the boy's dormitory. Come to think of it, he has beem gone for almost two hours. There's no way he would be lost. We spent the last five years memorizing the school grounds, until we gave it to Harry. Why'd we do that again? I shook the thought out of head and walked out of the boy's dormitory. Something was definately up with George. I'm just surprised that I don't know what it is...yet. I'm his bloody twin for Merlin's sake! I walked to one of the four comfy chairs in front of the fireplace, thinking. Thinking where George would be at this hour? Oh Merlin, I'm starting to sound like mum. But it's not like that! I mean sure, George has been out way past this hour, but with me! His identical twin! I'm his punch-line, to a joke. I'm his...well, I can't think of anything right now! Shove off! I simply stared in that comfy chair, ignoring the sounds of the noisy common room before me. I didn't take my eyes off the dancing fire until a voice interrupted my thoughts. But not just any voice, that voice was Ari's voice.

"Hey Fred, have you seen George?" Ari questioned me while turning her head searching for George. I immediately turned into a fowl mood.

"Why'd you want to know where George is?! It's not like your his bloody girl or something!" I snapped at her. Her head shot right back to where I was sitting. Her expression looked like a mixture of confusion and hurtness. If that's a word. Tsk, why do I keep caring for these types of things?!

"Umm, okay? I was just asking you if you've seen him lately." she said tying her hair in a bun.

"Why do you need to ask me where George is? What, is it so hard for you to go out and look for him yourself?" I snapped again. This time, Ari's face looked pissed. My eyes slightly widened and then I looked back to the fire. But Ari wasn't done with me yet. She walked over to the front of my chair and looked down at me. Well, as much as she could, seeing as though she was barely 5"4, if not less. But even though she was that short, Merlin can she be scary. Bloody hell, she looks like mum when she does that.

"Well I'm sorry that I'm worried over your identical twin, who just so happens to be my friend!" she yelled, causing everyone in the common room to stare. " Why the bloody hell would I care if he could be in the jaws of some monster in the Forbidden Forest! Oh wait, I do care Fred! What is with you? Seriously, don't you even care about your own brother? Your best mate, and twin?" she said angrily. There was a short silence, but then I broke it. I stood up from my chair. I grabbed her hand then dragged her out of the Gryffindor Common Room.

"Look. I'm sorry. But for now, I think I have a feeling as to where George is." I said calmly. Her expression softened. I lead her outside to the side of the school, just perfect for looking at the lake, without being noticed by a certain couple sitting by the lake.

"Is that George...and VIOLET?!" she exclaimed the last part. I slapped my hand on top of her mouth.

"Can you be any quieter?!" I scream whispered. She nodded. But I knew that she wasn't going to. I kept my hand on her mouth for a while longer, until she bit my hand.

You Are My Everything { A Fred Weasley Story }Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon