"Hey! What does it take for a girl to get a little bit of intellectual stimulation around here?" I yelled by the door, praying that someone if home to fulfill my needs of reading a book. 

"You know gorgeous, I don't speak that kind of language." Asshole responds doing the little spin that Channing Tatum did in 'Shes the Man' towards the door- you know, just without the phone.

"That's right, I forgot you speak dumbass. Hang on, I have to get my translator out." I roll my eyes at him and walk over to the bed to "look for it."

"Hey, If you don't want your 'intellectual stimulation," fine." He crosses his arms and starts to walk away. As much as I don't want to have to deal with him, I really need some entertainment.

"Hey, stop." He stops abruptly, and turns, grin evident on his face.

"I knew you couldn't resist me babe." He winks and saunters back over to the door. I huff and roll my eyes as little as possible, not to make him mad and cause him to walk away again.

"Just- ugh. Can I have something to read?" I say as nicely as possible.

"First of all, beautiful, it's 'please baby,' and second of all we don't have make-up magazines here love." He laughs and leans over the little peep hole and tries to whisper seductively, unfortunately, not doing a good job at it.

"A fucking novel, dickwad. Not a magazine, besides it doesn't surprise me that you don't have any, they're all in your bedroom." I rolled my eyes, trying not to giggle at my statement. Instead, I just bit my cheek.

"Fuck, how'd you know babe? Did you go through my room?" He says with a worried smile on his face. I couldn't help but smile and look down at my feet and hide the laugh that was soon to emerge from my mouth. "Holy shit gorgeous, did I get you do stop scowling and get the beautiful smile to come out?"

"Can I just have a book, please?" I say getting aggravated with him for knocking down part of my walls. 

"On one condition, well maybe two." He says slowly, looking straight into my eyes hopefully.

"What?" I said more harshly than I meant for it to come out.

"Well for one, you have to kiss me, and second, you won't kick my in the balls when I open the door and let you read in front of a real window." He says, the corners of his mouth turning up.

"You'd let me out? Just to sit by a window?" I ask, almost smiling.

"If you kiss me and promise not to run away or kick me in the balls." He says like I didn't hear that part.

"The cheek?"

"Lips, my love." He replies.

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