Good things come to an end.

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Hey everyone! Wow new chapter coming here. Sorry for not updating in like ten years, I had finals. I have a new upload schedule, one chapter of this story every Saturday, and one chapter of my new story every Monday. Speaking of my new story, y'all should read it. It's called Androgynous and its pretty gay. Okay I'm outta here, enjoy this chapter (I apologize in advance) .

When I woke up this morning, something felt different. Everything seemed like I should feel amazing, Eren was tucked into my side, breathing soft breaths against my skin; I feel refreshed and awake, everything should feel fine; but something is off.

I lay in the bed, suddenly feeling too hot. The house was overly quiet and every small noise screamed at my senses to run and get away. My heart rate quickened and my breaths became shallow and panicked. I was having one of my world class panic attacks, but this time it was different.

Eren shuffles next to me and I look down at his face. His eyes are half open and heavily lidded. He has a light smile on his lips. His soft features harden and his eyes widen as he reads the panic on my face. He sits bolt upright and pulls me up with him, asking me what was wrong over and over while pulling me into his chest.

His words sound muffled and staticky. My heart is clawing at my throat and my breath struggles to get out of my mouth. I feel dizzy and I can barley hold my own weight up. I feel my body get lifted into the air and cradled in what I assume is Eren's arms. My head can't keep itself straight up so I let it fall to a side. I can barley keep my brain awake and steady, my eyes try to close. Trying to keep my eyes open feels like trying to keep a bear trap from snapping on your leg.

I can't feel anything, my brain is swimming and muddled, I feel like I'm floating.

(Eren's pov)
I felt Levi go stiff next to me, his body losing heat. I sleepily look at him, smiling at his blurry face. My eyes focus and I see his wide, panic filled eyes. There's no color in his face, and his skin is almost translucent it is so pale. I sit up and tug his limp body up with me, his head falling to the side.

"Are you okay? Levi? What's wrong? Answer me!" I lightly shook him and took his face in my hands. His eyes look like they're looking at something in the distance. I pull him into my chest and hold him tightly, as if I let go he would melt or float away. I don't know what to do. I have no clue what is happening, he's so pale and his eyes are so far away, I don't know what to do. I stand up, pulling Levi into my arms. His head lulls to one side limply, his eyes fighting to stay open.

I try my hardest to stay calm and not burst out into tears. The thought of me losing another person I love isn't something I want to think about, but in this situation it's hard not to. I take his limp body out to the car, laying him across the back seat. I buckle one seat belt across hips, and another across his chest to keep him from moving around whilst I drive.

I kick the car into reverse and quickly pull out. My bare skin hits the cold leather of the seat as I sit back and try to calm down. In my rush I forgot to put a shirt on, but that didn't really matter. I could be naked for all I care. I did grab a blanket off the bed to try and keep Levi's body from losing any more heat. My fingers tap the steering wheel nervously, willing me to go faster, as the love of my life could be dying. But both of us dead in an accident wouldn't help at all, so I drive as safely as I can.

After getting to the hospital, I pull in front of the ER and quickly scramble out of the car. I sprint to the entrance and quickly ask for help. A crew of four medics pull a hospital bed out to my car. I climb in the back and unbuckle the two seat belts and pick up his frail body. The medics take him from my arms and put him on the bed.

"We need some saline and an iv on the bottom floor" one of the medics say into a radio on her right shoulder. They take him through the front door, and I stumble slowly behind them.

"Can we get some assistance in the waiting room, we need a blanket and a scrub top please." The woman with the radio says into her shoulder. They walk through the sterile waiting room and through a door on the other side. I stumble along behind them until someone comes behind me and wraps a blanket around my exposed torso. The person pulls me off their tail without much effort, as my legs were barley working anyway.

The person, or woman, pulls me over to a bench with padded seat. I sit down, shell shocked and lost for words.

"Do you want some water? Also I have a shirt for you when your ready for it." I nod at both statements, and she gets up to get me some water. I stare blankly at the floor, hugging the scratchy hospital blanket to me. I can't think, I can't breathe. I'm not quite sure what happened.

I hear the clicking of heels and look up to see the woman come back holding a blue shirt, a bottle of water, and what looks like a muffin. She hands me the bottle of water and sets the shirt down next to me.

"I brought you some food, I assume you haven't eaten yet." I nod my head and extend my hand for the muffin, even though I wasn't sure I could eat. She sits down on the other side of the bench, crossing her legs. She nods towards the water, waiting for me to drink some. I decide to take a sip just to please her, but when the water meets my lips its like someone flooded the Sahara desert. I chug the cool water down quickly, and close the bottle, setting it aside.

I look at my feet and put my face in my hands. I don't know how I haven cried yet, I've felt on the verge of tears this entire time. I guess I just feel that I need to be strong for him. The lady pats my back then stands.

"If you need me, I'll be at reception."

"Thank you." I say barley above a whisper. I meet her eyes. She flashes a kind and knowing smile and she nods. Her heels click away and I'm left sitting alone on the bench. I look over at the blue shirt and take it in my hands. The material feels like a thick weird bed sheets. I let the blanket go and pull the shirt over my head. It's a little big, and the v neck it has goes down a little further than I would like it to, but it was fine for the time being.

"Excuse me sir." A man with an authoritative voice says. I look up. "Were you the one who brought that man in earlier?" I nodded quickly.

"I need you to come with me."

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