Them three words.

Start from the beginning

"Can I come?"

He thought about it for a minute, then smiled. "Fine."

Aiden's P.O.V

I woke up to a loud garbage truck, going too slow for my liking down a street. I covered my ears as I layed on the cold ground, to block out the noise that pierced my ear drums. My head was throbbing and my body ached all over.

"Ah, fuck." I groaned as I sat myself up and lent against the wall. I looked around to see where I was, and realized I was in the same alley they had left me in last night. My blood was now dried and masked the concrete, it was also visible on my skin. I pulled out my phone from my pocket, to find out it was dead.


Instead of trying to call someone, which I originally planned to do. I checked my appearance to see just how much damage had been done. My bottom lip was split and my nose had dried blood underneath it. As I carried on looking I noticed a black eye, which I expected.

I began to move off the ground and winced in pain as I did so. My legs felt weak and my arms resembled their condition. I pushed myself upward, and used the wall as balance. Once I was up steady, I then began to walk. Still using the wall as balance, until I reached outside the alley. After tripping a few times once I had let go of the wall that was keeping me upright. I finally found my feet and started limping.

I heard a car come up behind me and my adrenaline started pumping. Once I knew they were behind me, I swung my arm around. Managing to knock them straight to the floor and smirked.

"What the fuck Aid!" Someone approaching shouted. I looked up to see Kalin and Violet rushing towards us. Then down to see Harley holding his now broken nose.

"Shit, sorry." I apologized as blood gushed from his nose.

"Fuck you man!" He shouted as he got to his feet. "It fucking hurts!"

"Sorry I thought you were them guys again, my bad." I shrugged. "On the bright side, you ain't in my condition."

"Yeah shit, what happened to you?" Kalin asked as he looked at all my injuries. But before I could reply, Violet came running into my arms and squeezed me tightly.

"Hey baby." I said, ignoring the pain from the squeezing.

"I was so worried." She whispered and looked up at me. Instead of replying, I kissed her forehead. closing my eyes as I did so.

"Don't reply then, just get in the damn car." He huffed and opened the back seat door.

Violet helped me walk over by letting me lean on her a little, then got in the back with me. While Harley and Kalin sat in the front.

"So I guess we ain't getting our cars back?" Kalin jokes.

"No, we will. There's a race on tonight." I told him. "Max will definitely be there, i'm sure of it."

"Well if you're sure." Kalin replied, then the talking stopped.

I placed my arm around Violet and let her rest her head on my bruised chest. My shirt was caked in dry blood, but she didn't seem to mind.

"Aiden." She said softly.

"Yeah." I replied, so only she could hear.

"Don't ever scare me like that again." She whispered, looking at me with big blue eye's.

"Wouldn't dream of it." I responded and looked away.

I felt guilty, because I knew this kinda shit would keep happening. She didn't need to be put through this type of shit everyday. She deserves so much more than me and my life. This life wasn't for her anymore. It was also the reason I don't date. The first heart I broke was the last. But if I made Violet go, I would be breaking another. Not her's because I know she doesn't love me, but my own.

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