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That has been my life for the past few months. Or has it been a year? Time flies so fast.
Everything seemed to be happening in slow motion. Nothing seemed true.  The world is bigger than I thought. Our universe has so many surprises left in store. Our enemy towered over us as we stayed strong. Till my sister screamed and explodes. Light erupts in the dim room. I look around. Everything was becoming blurry as tears formed until light started swirling and I felt warm. That light was my sister: glowing and swirling. The colors are bright and dark. Stars are flying and a purple shape takes my sight. The fear I have is not as strong as my hope. As I see the impossible be possible. My sister.... is becoming something completely different from me. From what we used to be. She's become herself. Something I thought she already was. I've gone to far haven't I? Well, since you're here let us talk. I am Fury, king of a world you will soon know. This story isn't about me really. More so for my sister and my love. You can say I have a huge role. All of us together go on this big journey.  I can't believe everything I'm seeing.... and what we have gone through. Our parents are a mystery to us. Our family is broken and shattered. But... we built it back together.
All I see is light.  Light and the galaxy surround my sister, friends, and family... some of us... she could save others she couldn't. My sister looks nothing like her usual self. She is everything. The universe is on her shoulders. I reach out towards them.
How about you start in the beginning? Learn of our journey and the thrill of our adventure. Lets catch you up. I smile as I start closing my eyes.

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