Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Talking, gossiping, and screaming had filled the air. This was the beginning of the fifth year at Hogwarts. Friends were catching up to stuff that had happened during the holidays, and the rest were waiting for the first years. Our four tables, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Slytherin and Gryffindor,

“I remember when we were first years!” I chirped. I had recently been promoted to Head Girl for Hogwarts, and I was happy beyond comprehension. “You were so annoying ‘Mione, and you haven’t changed one bit.” Ron interjected between stuffing his face with left-over candy from their train ride. “Ron, take care of your chocolate frog!!!” exclaimed a startled Harry as the chocolaty brown creature hopped out of their grasps and into the crowd. Harry gave me a little smile as to say ‘ignore him’ as Ron decided to chase after his candy. I frowned at Ron’s statement and was going answer him when Dumbledore asked for the school’s attention.

Knowing our headmaster would probably have something profound to say, I just shot a dirty look at Ron and moved my gaze to the teachers’ table. On the way, my eyes fell upon the smirking Draco Malfoy who was whispering something to his best friend, Blaise Zabini while pointing at me. I ignored this, my frown deepening. What could Malfoy have to say about me? He never says anything nice, especially not about me.

 “So, I understand your loquacious behavior is due to not meeting your friends and acquaintances for a few months. However, I need your attention for a few minutes.” Dumbledore announced. I squirmed in my seat as I felt Draco’s gaze burn my face. My mind wandered to why he would be staring at me, and a blush colored my cheeks. As obnoxious as he was, he was an attractive male; an attractive male staring at me.

I could pretty much hear his smirk, and I tried hard to ignore his gaze on me. Thankfully, Dumbledore continued his speech quickly. “Recently, it had been brought to my attention that Hogwarts needs more than just Prefects and Head of Houses. The Room of Requirement has been used after hours by a lot of students, and apparently there happen to be many hiding places-“His speech was cut off by the wolf-whistles of the boys on the Slytherin table; Draco and Blaise to be exact. I threw a frown in their direction but Draco winked at me. My heart stopped beating for a moment at how perfect he looked at that momen- NO! That is MALFOY. I cannot think about MALFOY that way. He’s a stuck up jerk.

I looked away quickly, blushing. A good looking stuck up jerk, nevertheless. I mentally slapped myself for that statement, and focused on the words being spoken. “Yes, and Mr. Malfoy is possibly the single person who knows and has, how shall I put it, used every single hiding spot there could be. Nevertheless, I have been asked of by the teachers, our staff, to appoint a few more Heads; the Heads of Hogwarts.” Dumbledore paused as applause and unnecessary wolf-whistling from the Slytherin table. Waiting for the noise to die down, he seemed to smile lightly. I wondered why he didn’t just silence us or use a spell. Dumbledore was great that way.

I smiled absent-mindedly as Professor McGonagall hurried to shush everyone. Again, I caught Draco Malfoy’s face and he seemed to be smiling at me. I looked away quickly before a blush could color my already flushed cheeks. “Well, we chose two students who show enough responsibility, or something along those lines, to get this prestigious position. Furthermore, to promote house unity, we would like for them to share a dorm.” At his words, I was confused. He hadn’t told me that I would need to share dorms; he hadn’t even told me who the other Head was. But I was pretty sure I wouldn’t mind staying with someone who Dumbledore thought was responsible.

“As for the Heads, they are from two houses whose rivalry goes back to the beginnings of Hogwarts; Gryffindor and Slytherin. Sadly, when we checked over the people who met our standards, only the two people from these houses fit perfectly.” A strange feeling told me I wasn’t going to like what Dumbledore was going to say next. My eyes betrayed me yet again and fell on Draco’s form. He seemed vexed and was staring daggers at Dumbledore. “The Gryffindor head is Miss Hermione Jean Granger-“Draco’s expression change and his grey eyes locked with mine. Oh no…oh no…This cannot be happening…. “and the Slytherin Head of Hogwarts is Draco Lucius Malfoy.”


A/N: Yeah, a new story. It's a fanfic. Please don't hate me, I just like posting all my stories *cries* Alright, so I'm a huge Dramione shipper...It's my OTP. I've read a billion fanfics on them and written like, ten. This sounds cliche, still, I know, but I PROMISE it won't be. A lot of my stories sound like cliches in the beginning but the end up as something you probably wouldn't expect and stuff. I think this story is like that, well, slightly. I'm sure the amazing Dramione fanfic writing group has used pretty much every possible promt/plot/story for Dramione. Oh, and this is clean, don't worry. I suck at, and can't, write smut. Meh. 

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