Chapter 3 The Fight .

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This morning I didnt wake up like every other morning. Not by the sun. Not by my alarm. Not even my cell phone. I woke up to Rachels face not two inches away from mine.

"Wake up! School we need to be there." She said yanking the covers off of me, I always wondered why did I give her a key to my house.

"Im up." I said i got up she had all my things picked out already. Black baggy capris, a black and white Obey half-shirt, a black bag, and some black Jordans. She hooked me up for the day.

"Thank you girl." I said giving her a hug.

"No dont thank me. Thank Ricky." She said giving me a wink, he went shopping with out me and did a amazing job. I went to get ready, I straighned my hair out of the loose curls from yesterday. I walked down stairs, and we left for school. I'd seen Ricky and his crew from a mile away how could you miss them. A group of fine guys, like I said you cant miss them. I walked over to him, giving him a hug and he placed a kiss on my cheek.

"Hey bae." He said smiling at me.

"Hi." I said looking around the group.

"Are you going to introduce us?" Said one of them.

"Oh guys this is Angel." He said looking down at me, "Bae why dont you go mingle with your friends." He said, I looked at him like he was stupid I wasnt a child. I pushed past him and made my way inside, this is why I dont go with thugs thinking he run everything. Well Im the HBIC in this relationship. I went to my locker to grab some things, when I closed it Quincy was right there. I almost punched him, he knew better than to sneak up on me.

"My bad." He said as I grabbed my chest trying to put air back into my body.

"Boy you almost caught these hands." I said laughing.

"Whatever. Anyway I came over here to ask you if you was going to Josh's party tonight?" He said playing with my lock. I thought about Ricky, then he flew out of my mind.

"Yeah, ill see." I said flashing a smile at him. He nodded then walked away,I turned to go to class and there was Ricky. People needed to stop popping up on my before they start swallowing they teeth.

"Who was he?" He said.

"Its just Quincy." i said giving him the stank eye.

"So what. I told you to go talk to your little friends. That means girls." he said backing me into a locker who did he think he was talking to.

"Excuse you! I have a right to talk to whoever I want to whenever I want to. You need to calm down. AN on top of everything else I aint your kid so you aint tell me to do nothing!" I said getting all up in his face.

"Girl I dont got time for your attidude right now." He said shaking his head.

"Then go do something else BOO!" I said I pushed him away from me, and started on my way to class. How could we be fighting and we havent even been together a week? I flushed the whole fight out of my mind so I could continue having a faboulous day. Rachel kept asking me what happened this morning but I kept ignoring the question. I didnt want to talk about it. The hours went by slow, i never thought the day would end, but it finally did and I was glad. I ran into Ricky on my way to go find Rachel so she could take me home.

"Wait up second girl." He said standing infront of me.

"What Ricky?" I said rolling my eyes I had better things to do than to start another argument.

"Listen. Im sorry about earlier. I know that you have other friends girl and boy and I was just a lil jealous is all. I shouldn't have talked to you that way neither, it was wrong i mean you is basically grown, and you shoudn't have no guy talking to you the way I did." He said grabbed me and pulling me close to him. I looked at him, he was serious I unfolded my arm and gave him a hug. Now I knew that I was respected.

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