With that being spoken, Kaitos leaves the scene; most likely returning to his post so no one can suspect him of not doing his job.

In the privacy of her room, the petite princess cradles the very journal; knowing that it's a lofty risk to take in doing this. "But, I won't allow this madness to continue; Matilda has to know..." She goes to her surprisingly comfortable bed, after effortlessly lights a candle; she opens the personal diary of the madman prince. "Here are entries 12 through 14 from last time..."

She murmurs quietly then gasps slightly in turning a page after the previous entry, "He must've written in it recently..." Rose begins to read it, making sure no one else can see it.

Her childish light red eyes scan the newly made entry; "Entry 15: The wedding's taking place soon, the preparations are almost complete; all I need now...is my sacrifice. Once the ceremony ends, Matilda shall be dead..." The young maiden glares with tiny tears forming in her already moist eyes. "Only then, I'll have the power; which nearly all have thought impossible to acquire. This power is said to...give whoever possesses it; immortality. A gift normally belonging to the bearers of the goddesses blessings, has fallen right upon my lap; in the form of a pitiful girl..."

Her light scarlet eyes widen in horror, the thought of an immortal Len; it's unspeakable horrible. She thinks to herself before continuing to invade the prince's private thoughts, "What a monster, I knew he was abusive; but this is pure evil. Absolutely evil, no one deserves death for having something the other desires so; it's downright evil!"

She pounds her pillow to relieve herself of some frustration, tears trail of her puffy rosy cheeks. After a minute of that, she returns to reading the rest of the page; "No wonder Zelda the 10th wanted her gone, she couldn't stand the thought of a mere shadow; living on longer than her. Oh the irony, well; enough about that. Let's talk about Rose, she's so adorable; it's like she's a little flowery bud. If I could, I'd give her the whole world; that might happen if everything goes accordingly..."

The captive bride to be finishes it, with a look of a both horror and sorrow; "How could he...THAT BASTARD!" She then sheiks angrily, possibly disturbing the peace of the whole palace; almost as bad as Sapphire's temper at its lowest level. "THIS IS MADNESS, ABSOLUTE MADNESS!"

She unknowingly causes someone to check up on her, a knock resounds from the door; "Princess...are you alright?" Matilda's mundane voice quietly speaks from the other side of the door. "I heard...really loud screaming...is there...something wrong...?" The shy maid asks in her usual emotionless voice, with only a hint of worry.

"I'm fine, just had a...BAD DREAM; yes, a very bad dream..." The childish noble fibs a little, to avoid being caught red-handed.

"I'm...coming in...just to make sure...you're really ok..." The mundane looking servant unlocks the door, enters in without noticing much; since Rose just blew out the candle and stashed the journal under her fluffy pillow.

"It's so dark...better light a candle..." Len's loyal puppet lights her own, brightening the nearly blacked out room. "Better..." She murmurs lowly. "Now then..." Her shadowy red eyes scan their surroundings, gradually adjusting themselves; "Nothing strange here..." She turns her seemingly lifeless gaze upon the small teen, who's still in her bed. She inquires curiously as she sits down on the soft surface of the plush covers, "The dream...what was...it about...?"

Her master's soon to be queen replies with a gulp, "Well, it was...a big monster! A really big monster, who likes to eat little children; it was really scary!"

Matilda blankly stares for a second or two before saying, "You're lying...I can see... the guilt...in your eyes..."

She stares suspiciously, noticing something about the pillow; a small yet somewhat easy to spot corner of navy blue. "What is that...?"

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