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There was this family, there were the happiest little family ever.

In that family there was a boy who was 11 years old his name was Ivan and there was a girl who was only 9 and her name was Ivana.

She loved her brother so much,but she thought that her brother hates her.

Kevin always bothered his sister.

One day they all were in the car.They were happy,but that happiness didnt lasted long.

Because one guy decided to suicide that day,by crashing his car to another car and there it was.......


Their parents died in the car....


the kids were send to the hospital.

Police decided that the kids should be send to the orphans house.

But Ivan doesnt want to...

so he and her sister escaped from the hospital that night.
They spend the night beside the garbage at a  very dark place.

"why cant we just go to orphans house?"his sister asked

"because I dont want to live with strangers.If you dont want to be here then go away!!To those cops" Ivan screamed

Ivana was crying

Some men heard Ivana's cry and found them.

'hey kids are you lost?'

Ivan told them every thing

The guys took them to their house.

Ivana couldn't understand why did the guys let them live in their house for free and where was his brother every night and came back with scarves in his face sometimes.


Ivan was becoming meaner and meaner to his sister Ivana eVery day.He was 16 years old now his sister didnt knew what he was going through for her.

He knew he should sacrifice himself for his sister,so he saled drugs and himself as well.

He was  a boy when he did something wrong people
Would hit him but he always smiled for her sister.

One day Ivana followed her brother she saw her brother with two men and suddenly the two men notice her and wanted her!But her brother tried his best to stop those men
He holded her sister hand.Suddenly a guy pushed the girl in the road

    a car came and.......


Ivana opened her eyes and saw her brother bleeding and lying on the floor..he saved her life.

In the hospital no one told to Ivana anything when she went inside Ivan said....

"I am s-sorry ...t...o...le-ave you"

"why couldnt we just go to orphans house?then you would've been okay today ..." Ivana said while crying
"because  I didnt wanted us to be seperated.."*cries*

"dont Cry I am going to our....pa-parents...you--



"why wont you wake up ?If you will wake up then I promise I wont cry If you bother me

please wake up!!!I'll do any...anything....

Ivan who was only 16 died...

Ivana went to the orphans house and live there for her own sake.



MY BROTHER SAVE ME  (one Shot)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt