"Fine. Let's go." Father grabbed me by the neck as smoke swirled around him. In mear seconds we poofed in front of a man with darker brown hair and sky blue eyes. "Dammit Iko! Who's this!?" The man swore at my father making my ears flatten. My father plopped me down. "Sorry sir. It's my son, he's been bothering me about coming to the human realm for a while." The man pointed else where in the sandy area we were in. "Send him off then, it's dangerous!" I took in more surroundings. Sand was everywhere and the man in front of us seemed harmed.

There were other men around too. They had on headbands with a symbol much like the headband the man had on but their's were crossed out. "Keio, leave." Father commanded making me sprint away. I looked back one last time to see blue chakra cover both my father and the man. 

I kept sprinting till I reached a village. The village known as Suna. I could see some girls giggling at me and other men wearing headbands rushing to where I just came. Perhaps they're going to help? That'd be good. I slowed my pace. Truthfully I wasn't worried at all about my father and that man in battle. I had been bothering father forever to come to this realm. I just wanted to explore it all. I sat and sighed, taking in the million scents that swirled all around me.

" ARGH!" I growled out as a foot stepped on my tail. I swished around to see a boy with a mask covering his mouth. He seemed to be what humans describe as a young teenager. He too wore a headband but it had a symbol that reminded me of a leaf, it also covered his one eye. "Hmpf. Stupid cat." He murmured walking by me. My eyes opened up before narrowing. "Excuse me, you're the heavy footed asshole." The sentence wasn't as intimidating as I'd like it to be. After all how can a little kitten with a premature voice scare anyone?

The boy's eye widen before he glared at me. "Maybe if you were smart enough to move, you wouldn't have gotten in my way."  "You're so snide, how do other humans deal with you!?" I remarked, my fur starting to stand up. "They don't get in my way." He concluded with confident eyes or rather eye. My anger swirled in me. "Bah! You're so annoying, if you had anyone near you they'd probably get killed!!" The boys eye opened wide with hurt, memories flashing through. "Kakashi!" A girl around his age yelled out. The boy or Kakashi turned back. "Rin?"

Rin smiled to him. "Come on we need to focus on this little mission-Oh! A kittten!" My tail flinched. I was still upset and this wasn't helping. "The name's Keio, hmpf." I looked back to Kakashi, aiming to hurt him even more. "Try not to get her killed, stupid." 




I looked down at Keio as he retold the story of how Kakashi came to hate him. "Little did I know, his one teammate had died. And later on so did the other. Even his Sensei's life had come to an end, so I heard." I nodded slowly. "No offense but that's a good reason to hate you." Keio let out a little sigh. " I know it is. But don't think I regret it." A sly tone came back to Keio. " He did deserve it at the moment. I mean, I did go over board but it's not my fault." I rolled my eyes. " You're so vai-." My sentence was interrupted as I yawned. 

Keio hopped from my lap, to my head, to a tree branch above. "Kitten, rest. I'll keep watch." He said smoothly. "Alright." I gave up, and crawled over to my sleeping bag. I took one last look from the glowing eyes of Keio in the darkness to Aiko. Aiko seemed to be peacefully sleeping which let my eyes slowly close without worry. The sounds of the forest soothed me to a light slumber with still one soft thought in my mind.

Who exactly is Saiya?


I snapped awake hearing footsteps dart around. I rushed out of my sleeping bag and looked around. Aiko was still sleeping, everything looked untouched. The sun just started to rise to the sky. I narrowed my eyes. Maybe I just heard an animal... As a Ninja though, I'm not dismissing it. "Keio?" I whispered out, remembering he was watching for the night. The black cat jumped down from a tree branch, seemingly normal. " Are you alright? You seem shaken?" A slight tease to Keio's voice.

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