"Well!" said Naruto, sweeping past Sasuke to a nearby stack of cushions. "I think this calls for serious measures. Midori-chan, can you go find the book about Chie and Mina's fight over the cupcake?"

"Okay!" Midori said back with a giggle, running off with Kota behind her.

Sasuke narrowed his eyes. ...a cupcake? "It's fine," he said, "I don't need a thinly-disguised moral lesson about getting along with your siblings."

"Come on, it'll make you feel better!" Naruto said back with a grin, patting the cushions next to him.

Sasuke rolled his eyes, but dumped the cloth on the table and went over to join him. It was only then that he noticed Naruto had one of the babies strapped to his chest. Sasuke peered over at the grumbling, wriggling bundle. "What's his problem?" he asked.

"He's teething," Naruto explained, patting the baby's back. "So he's pretty unhappy with the world right now!" He fished a pacifier out of his pocket and offered it to the whining infant.

"Fair enough," Sasuke said, settling into the cushions and leaning back with a frown.

"And what are you so unhappy about?" Naruto asked, giving him a searching look. "What did you fight about?"

Sasuke bit his lip. He didn't really want to talk about it- but, this was Naruto. He'd just keep asking until Sasuke gave up and told him. "He's been... dating. For a while. Apparently, it's serious."

Naruto grinned. "Yes, that must be horrible for you!"

"But he didn't tell me!" Sasuke growled, crossing his arms across his chest. "He was keeping it a secret!" And it made Sasuke furious.

"How come?" Naruto asked, alternately gazing at him and the whining baby on his chest.

"Because," Sasuke began, "because he..." ...he hadn't wanted to upset Sasuke. That's what he'd said. He hadn't wanted Sasuke to feel threatened.

"Naruto-sensei, I found it!" announced Midori, running up to them and jumping on the cushions.

"No, I found it!" declared Kota, "it was me, she's lying!"

"Ah, that's some good teamwork guys. Now, who's going to hold the book for me? Make sure Sasuke-sensei can see the pictures!"

The kids settled down in front of Naruto and Sasuke, with Midori enthusiastically opening the book for Naruto to read. Sasuke sighed and resigned himself to the inevitable story-time. Well, Naruto's voice was very soothing, maybe it would make him feel better.

Itachi's words last night had shut Sasuke up right away, but it hadn't made him feel any less angry. So, Itachi thought he would fall apart if there was someone else in his brother's life; that Sasuke wasn't the sole centre of his universe anymore. Is that really what his brother thought of him?


Sasuke was feeling pleased with himself. He hadn't wanted to get out of bed today, and he certainly hadn't wanted to go to school, but he did both, just to prove a point. Today was no different than any other day, and Sasuke was feeling just fine.

He got through the school day without any problems, and now he was getting his usual work done at the centre, tidying and cleaning up, chatting with the kids about what Ayame-sensei had made them for lunch today, comparing it to his own midday meal. Yes, things were going well...until out of nowhere, one of the chibis ran up to him and latched onto his legs.

He looked down and frowned. "Uh...Mari-chan?" he said, quickly bringing the girl's name up in his head. "What are you doing? Are you okay?" She wasn't normally one of the clingy ones.

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