Then he moved over to the cabinet, pulling out an all black semi-automatic handgun.

Before this situation I'd always thought that Fetty was over exaggerating with the random guns everywhere.

But I told him that once Madison started walking he'd have to find a safe place to put these things.

"I-I don't know how to use–" I nervously stuttered as he placed the glock in my hands.

"You betta' learn real quick." He simply replied before grabbing my face to kiss me. "I luh you, aight?"

I nodded my head before sucking it up and wiping away my tears. "I love you, too."

He peeked over the island to see if anyone was headed back our way. They were definitely shooting. "Don't worry, I got you. I'm not lettin' nothing happen to you. You trust me?"

I swallowed and nodded my head yes as a reply to his question.

"I wanna hea' you say it, Alex." He sternly looked at me.

"I trust you." I quietly responded, staring at the heavy piece of metal in my hand. I held it out in front of me and cocked it.

"I can't hea' you." He spoke up. He grabbed my chin so that I would look at him.

I pecked his lips. "I trust you, Fetty." I wrapped my arms around him for a hug before standing up. I hid behind a wall and waited for Fetty.

"Onnat Bonnie and Clyde type shit." Fetty mocked me from earlier, sending the cutest smile my way.

I weakly smiled and held my gun close to me. He pulled me as he ran to hide behind a couch. He started to shoot at everyone, not giving a fuck.

He killed with ease while I sat behind the couch contemplating my whole life.

I heard Fetty's gun clicking and that's when he turned around whispering, "Shit, shit, shit!" repeatedly.

He's run out of bullets and I'm the only one with a gun with bullets in reach. It's do or die.

I gotta do this. I thought to myself.

I looked over the couch and saw that there were three people left. I shot one in the back of the head, the other in their chest, and the other in between their eyes.

"Pretty good for my first time, eh?" I nervously laughed to Fetty as he helped me up.

He pulled me into a hug and kissed the top of my head. "I guess I'm proud of you or somethin'. Let me call Adrian, Chris, and Jay ta' come fix this shit. We gotta get away fa' a couple of days." He cautiously went up the stairs.

I turned to follow him, but someone grabbed my leg. I looked down and saw that one of the men were still alive.

"I thought the mess was over with." I mumbled, shooting him straight in the face. I shivered and turned on my heels.


"Xan?" Adrian called out as he walked into the front door of my house. "You okay?"

I surprised him by running up to him and embracing him in a hug. "It was horrible, Dri." I groaned.

"I'm jus' glad to know that you and Fetty aight." Adrian responded.

Chris and Jaylon walked in behind him, inspecting the whole situation that went down. "Bryce really tried the shit." Chris laughed.

"That Rice kid was mad annoying." I commented with my bottom lip poked out.

"This fool called him Rice. I'm fuckin' dying, yo." Jaylon burst out into laughter with Chris and Adrian.

"You ready ta' pack? We gotta go pick up Madison inna minute." Fetty mumbled while walking down the stairs on his phone.

I'm glad he thought about our daughter because my mind was running all over the place. I was not leaving to go anywhere without my daughter at the moment.

I don't even know where we're going after we pick up Madison from my mom's house, but where ever it is– I hope we're safe.


Woooooow. That's all I got to say about this chapter, lmao. Bonnie and Clyde for real though.

I don't know, this chapter was cute to me. I'm weird; whatever.

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