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•that's the makeup for Ainsley in this chapter• enjoy


I wake up to my sister screaming because she's having a nightmare.

"It's 8:30 A.M. on a Saturday Rihana. Shut up," I yell throwing a pillow on the bottom bunk.

"Shut up Ainsley. Mom already told you that when you babysit me that You have to make sure I'm alright. You know I have nightmares, so leave me alone!"

"Whatever I'm going downstairs and just so you know, you better have this room cleaned in an hour Tawni is coming over and if the rooms not clean she will not bring Stevie," I tell my twelve year old sister as I get up to hop in the shower. I got out and went to my kitchen.

"Shit!" I whisper yelled as I dropped the pancake mix all over my kitchen floor.

"Why did you make a mess Ainsley?" Rihana asked with an attitude.

"Excuse me but I think I told you to go clean our room and don't get a damn attitude with me I am the one making you something to eat! Now get the Nutella," I said with a firm tone. I got a text from Tawni, she should be here a little later so about an hour. After we ate I went and turned on the tv, Tawni would be here any minute she said she had a surprise but Stevie and Rhiana couldn't hear because they would get jealous.

"What is up hoe I'm here!" Tawni yells and she enters my semi quite home.

"Tawni!" I yelled and jumped on her. I was fairly light so it didn't like knock us down or anything.

"I missed you so so so much! We haven't seen each other in two months," I exclaimed while getting out of her grasp.

"Wow Ainsley! Your makeup if fucking gorgeous! Teach me!" Tawni said examining my face.

"Thank you! I tried like not at all. this is the worst makeup I've ever done," I laughed a bit after I had made the "joke".

"So... can the girls go swim in your pool today?" Tawni asked hinting she wanted to talk about the surprise. "I have to go to my car to grab something, go put on your bathing suits girl," she said exiting the house. Oh! We are both sixteen so we drive.

I was walking upstairs to get my phone charger and I heard yelling from down stairs. I ran down and it was just Tawni and Stevie wrestling. I wish that Rhiana and I had that kind of bond, but we are just together to much. I babysit her all weekend unless I have plans which half the time I get told to cancel my plans anyway. Then, after softball I watch her for three hours. Mom is always at work, she doesn't want to be home much anymore after dad left. He just left, no warning or explanation. He wrote a note saying I love all three of you but I'm leaving and will not be coming back. So now I'm limited on what I can do, we still have tons of money because of my mom's work field and I work on days we don't have softball but other than that we don't do much fun things anymore. We are never allowed to do things because I have to babysit Rhiana. I don't see why she can't just get a phone and stay home alone. I mean she is twelve and I stayed home by myself at twelve and I hadn't even gotten a phone.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when Tawni ran upstairs asking me if I was coming back down.

"Y-yeah sorry," I said getting off my bed.

"Okay you are about to freak out but.... I got us Comic fucking Con tickets!" She screamed excitedly.

"Oh my god!" Then I thought, "wait! What, what day?" I ask getting sadder by the second.

"Well um its October twenty-eight through the thirtieth, wh-why?"

"No no no NO!" I screamed as tears streamed down my face.

"What? What's happening?!"

"I can't, I can't go!"

"Why? Ainsley, you know how long we've wanted this for! You can't just not go! What about Chandler and Grant Gustin? I got enough money for photo ops with both! And one panel! Come on skip whatever you have!"

"I have state for softball and I have to go on the team trip! I can't and won't go Tawni. I'm sorry. Tell Chandler and Grant I love them but I just can't let my team down. And we didn't even ask if I could go! Take Stevie, she would love it," I say crying and giving up.

"Okay, you know what Ainsley call me when you get your right mind back because this isn't you. Think about who was here when your dad fucking left you. Was it your team? Oh wait no it was me, Tawni. The person you would give up for a team with girls that don't give a half a fucking shit about you. Call me when you realise you messed up. If you call me before October you can still go but until then don't fucking bother saying anything to me," she says so cold hearted with a firm tone.

She walked out back, got Stevie and went out the back gate to her car. I just broke down Rhiana came inside got in the shower. I went upstairs and cried, I cried until I fell asleep. I woke up the next morning and decided I was done. I went to the bathroom got my sleeping pills and went to my room and texted everyone goodbye. I did Tawni last. I got an immediate text saying 'WHAT? AINSLEY! IM ON MY WAY' Which means I don't have much time I posted goodbye on social media. Then I was to late, Tawni was in my room. She took the pills from me and hugged me while I had a tear stained face. I don't think she gets that she's why I was about to do this, I made my best friend, sister if you will, hate me.

It was two hours after the incident I called my coach saying I can't go to state and she did what she said she would do, I got kicked off. I have nothing but work babysitting and school now. We were thinking of gifts to give Chandler and Grant. We found some and did them. Rhiana went to a friends about an hour ago, she's staying the night.

Tawni is staying over.

"Well its 11:00 P.M. we should get to bed," Tawni says going for the guest room.


1121 words

So how was it? Too long? Too short? Too much action? Not enough action? I need you to tell me how you like it:) a lot happened here but it will get better I promise!


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