Fred x Reader: A Thousand Years

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Your sitting on the sand, looking at the gloomy beach, you turn your head to see Harry, Hermione, and Ron sitting by Dobby's grave. You stiffle a little cry, and feel a hand on your shoulder, from your husband Fred the one person you needed to see right now.
"Hey love, what's wrong?" Fred looks at you and smiles while pulling you close to him.
"Dobby..." He looks over at the grave and then remembers that you and Dobby were very close, at least closer than most people.
"I'm so sorry... I wish I could have helped." You look at him and give a sad smile.
"Me too."
Spells and curses were flying every where and you turned to see your fellow friends lay dead. You cry and cry till you feel hands grab you, noticing that they were not Fred's, but a death eaters.
"Ahhh... let me go!!! FRED!!!" You scream, but the death eater had already taken your life with the death curse.
All you see is white, nothing but white and you fall to your knees sobbing.
"Y/n? It that you?" You hear a familiar voice call your name, it's... Fred.
"Fred? But why are you here?" You look confused and so does he. "What is this pla-"
"This is heaven my dear." You turn to see Dumbledore."You both died due to a death eater the same one to be exact."
You look at Fred and you both hug each other.
"I love you, Freddie."
"I love you too, y/n"
You look at him and say,"For a thousand years."
He says right back,"For a thousand more."
And you kiss him and he kisses you right back. And everything goes white.
Srry peeps for no like activeness lately just been busy with school cut it ain't cool, haha, humor, anyways thanks for reading!
~ L.W.H

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