The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Nineteen

Start from the beginning

     “I told you, you were driving me wild. You have no idea what you do to Me.” he said through laboured breaths.

     “Oh I think I do.” I replied with a cheeky smile as I rubbed my hand against him again.

     “God I love you Mia.” he said, his eyes full of lust.

I suddenly understood what he meant by scents depending on mood, his was now intoxicating. It was driving something inside insane, like something was fighting to get out.

     “I love you too, I always will no matter what.” I replied.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him down towards me, crashing my lips against him. There was such intensity between us, it was overwhelming. It was like nothing I had experience with Luca before. Even though the kiss was amazing I could sense something was wrong. My fears were realised when he pulled away and look deep into my eyes. He looked so serious yet somewhat scared. At least it looked like fear; it really wasn’t like Luca to be afraid of anything. Although, I had seen the same glint in his eyes once before when he was arguing with Wyatt.  

      “I’m going to love you forever Mia and nothing or no one is going to change that. Now that we one no one can split us up, no one.” He said, his tone scaring me a little.

I was beyond confused by his choice of words. Why would anyone want to split us up? What wasn’t he telling me? Just the thought of someone wanting to break us apart made me feel sick. Right now I didn’t want to be dealing with that kind of drama. Right now I just wanted to enjoy this moment. I wanted to lie back in Luca arms and feel safe. I wanted that warm tingly feeling back from when we made love. In an attempt to lift the mood I pulled myself up a little, filling the distance between us. I kissed him tenderly on the lips, trying to reassure him that everything would be ok. After a moment I felt his body relax, he laid himself down beside and look over at me smiling. I rested my head on his chest and he wrapped his arms around me. Our bodies fitted together perfectly, like we were made for each other. I guess though really we were. As I closed my eyes and let the world around me just fade away, I felt Lucas’ body tense up once more. After a few seconds I picked up the faint sound of voices coming from below.


(Luca’s POV)

      “I’m going to love you forever Mia and nothing or no one is going to change that. Now that we one no one can split us up, no one.” I said fearfully.

As soon as the words left my lips I regretted it. Not the fact that I would love her forever, just that no one would separate us. I have tried so hard to not think about Wyatt and what he might do when he gets back. It’s just now that we have completed the mating process; it makes everything so much more real. It’s only a matter of time now until he will return. I know no matter what, he can’t force me leave or order me to stay away from her. The connection now is complete nothing but death could keep me away. Although I think it’s clear he has strong feelings for her, whether they are genuine or not I’m not sure. I do worry about how far he might take it though, what might he be willing to risk. I’m his brother but I think he might be willing to kill. I think everything with her mother sent him a little mad, he’s obsessed with her. I worry that he believes she is Hope. I fear that if it came down to fight, even though I would give it my all, that he might just be too strong for me. What if we did fight over her and he did win, what would he do her? How would he react when he realises that she will never love him back? It doesn’t bare thinking about. I can tell by her face that she can sense my fear, she might not know what it’s about, but she knows it’s there. I can see the concern on her face, the last thing I want to do is worry her. It’s killing me that I can’t tell her any of this, but so much has happened to her she doesn’t need any more drama. I just want to protect her, keep her safe. I wanted to make her happy and give her everything she wants. I want to start a family with her; I want her to have my babies someday. I was taken by surprise when I suddenly felt her lips touch mine gently. Even though I was looking straight at her I was completely lost in my thoughts. As soon as her lips touched mine, all my worries and fears just seemed to melt away. I could feel my body relaxing, she reminded me that no matter what we have each other. I forced my lips to part from hers and I slowly lowered myself back onto the bed beside her. She rested her against my chest, making me feel warm inside. I wrapped my arms around her, holding her tight against me. In this moment there was just the two of us, the world just melted around us. I closed my eyes and wished this moment would last forever. Unfortunately as I laid there I was suddenly aware of a faint noise coming from below. Instantly I knew where it was coming from, the basement. Tyler must have been struggling with the rogue; she must have finally come round. I tried to ignore it but the voices grew louder she was shouting. I heard a bang, as though something had hit the wall and then I heard someone running, she was trying to escape. My body tensed, within seconds I jumped up off the bed and ran out of the room, dodging the two halves of Mia’s broken door. I ran next door to my room and grabbed the shorts I always left my door, in case of emergencies. I knew I shouldn’t have trusted Tyler, he’s such a child. I’ve been trying to give him more responsibility because I know Mia and him are very close. Before Mia came along I never really had a lot to do with him, he irritated me. I put up him occasionally if he tried to tag along with me and Faith but that was it.

     “Tyler what the fuck is going on?” I asked as I headed for the stairs.

     “Luca what’s going on?” I heard Mia say faintly from behind me.

     “The rogues loose.” I replied.

     “She….She...She…” Tyler finally answered, if you could call that an answer.

     “I don’t care what happened; I shouldn’t have known you’d fuck it up.” I snapped.

As I reached the bottom of the stairs I saw the rogue heading to the front door. I knew if I leaped I could probably catch her but I needed a backup plan. The last thing I need right now was another excuse for Wyatt to be angry with me. I sniffed the air and pick up Faith and Antonio, they were nearby.

      “Faith rogue front door now!” I said.

I knew it was vague but I also knew she’d understand. I took a deep breath and leapt off of the stairs. Just as I was about to grab her she knock me out of the way, I still couldn’t get over how strong she was. As I picked myself up I saw Tyler staggering towards the door, he looked as though he was in bad shape. The rogue broke through the door and took off down the steps. Within seconds both Tyler and I were hot on her heels. From the right of us I could see faith and Antonio running towards her also. Out of nowhere she seemed to get a second burst of energy and took off towards the trees. I picked up speed but I just wasn’t fast enough. Within seconds she was gone. With the wolfsbane still on her skin I knew she couldn’t shift but she just too fast. We ran into the trees but her scent just seemed to vanish, she was gone. After another minute or two of searching we headed back to the house, defeated. As we walked back I noticed blood down the back of Tyler head, no wonder he couldn’t give me straight answer. When we got back I slumped down onto the bottom step, with my head in my hands. I was so angry right now; it was taking all my strength to control myself. I heard Tyler sit himself down behind me; Faith and Antonio were leant against the railings. We were all speechless; none of us could understand how she could have just disappeared. For a second I tried get my head round it but I couldn’t. I soon lost my concentration as an all too familiar scent filled my nostrils. I slowly lifted my head and braced myself for the storm. Within second Wyatt emerged from the trees. Tristan, Connor and Ethan were not too far behind but I didn’t pay too much attention them. I was more focused on the fact that Wyatt was dragging along the rogue we had just lost. She was kicking and screaming as he dragged her by her hair. I could tell by his face that he wasn’t impressed, he looked pissed. I slowly stood up and took a step towards him, the others backed off a little and walked up the steps towards the house. They too could sense his anger; I just hoped he hadn’t picked up Mia’s scent on me yet.

     “Luca what the fuck is going on?” he shouted.

Just then I heard footsteps coming from inside, Mia burst through the front door. I turned quickly, to see her walking towards me wearing nothing but a baggy T-shirt. The air was thick with her new scent; it was matter of seconds before it hit Wyatt.

     “Luca what happened is everything alright?” she asked sounding worried.

When I didn’t answer she looked ahead of me and saw Wyatt and her uncles stood a few metres in front of us. She seemed to blush a little and wrapped her arms around herself, as if she was trying to cover herself up. As she took a step back towards the door I turned back to Wyatt and the others. The moment my eyes met Wyatt’s I knew he knew. He looked furious, I had only ever seen him like this once before. He chucked the rogue towards Tristan and walked towards me, his eyes flicked between Mia and me. With every step his anger seemed to grow. By the looks on the others faces they too had picked up on Mia’s scent and they didn’t seem to impressed either. He stopped inches away from me, his deep amber eyes burning into me.

     “Luca what the hell have you done?!” he said, his voice shaking with rage. “Everyone inside now, Luca and I need to have a little talk! Tristan chain up the little bitch!” He continued his eyes glued to mine.

The others did as they were told; now it was just me and Wyatt.    

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