"Then what happens if someone, was werewolf, vampire and demon altogether?" He looked at me surprised, then took the eggs out of the pan and placed in a plate and put it in front of me. He handed me the plate. I took it and started to eat as he sat down with his own plate.

"Well, I heard of some people who did experiments and stuff, on trying to accomplish that. I think my father was a part of it, but he was killed after it was found out. He wasn't successful, but I'm sure others tried."

"What do you think it would look like?"

"I don't know, I'll tell you if I ever see one."

"What if you already have, but you didn't know it." He looked at me.

"I would know it. They would smell different then other normal werewolves."

"oh, so question ever met someone that's scent was off?"

"Yeah, you." He looked at me, "The fact that you brought this all up, probably means you either know something about it, or you are it."

"I am it indeed."

"I know, its weird but if I paid close attention to your scent then i get the whiff of you different bloods, so i missed it the first time. So how did you become like that?"

" I was born that way."

"No you weren't. No one is born like that."

"I was born with demon blood in me, from my mothers side. Werewolf from my fathers."

"The how did the vampire blood get there?"

"I don't know."

"Whose your father?"

" I don't know he left before we were born. I think my mom called him Draven once, that's all  I remembered."


"My brother, Jace."

"Where is he now?"

"He died."

"He didn't have your blood?"

"No only runs in the female part of the family."

"Ah, curse then?"


"Yeah you cant get demon blood in someone, unless there's a curse with it, but you'd need powerful magic to do that. The only people I know who does magic, is protected by vampires, werewolves banned them all many many generations ago."

"Why's that?" I said finishing up my eggs and placing the plate on the table in front of me.

"Because of the goddesses decision to take away our wolves mid-transformations in the generations to come, and make them into wolves angered them, because it meant the werewolves losing their powers."

"Yeah, so they took it out on the magicians?"

"They wanted them to reverse it, but they couldn't do it, so they started to kill them all off because to wolves they were no help. Eventually the mid-transformations stopped and no longer could werewolves turn into a full werewolf."

"What happens if some wolves still can?"

"That means there was an exception the goddess made, and many mythical creatures would kill for one of those people."

"Were mid-transformers really strong?"

'Yeah on par with an ancient vampire."


"Ancient as in 1000 years old."

"I've never heard of a vampire surviving that long."

"No most vampires go into 'eternal sleep' before then, because if you were immortal, after 100's of year you would want to die yourself at some point."

"What was the goddess's curse on vampire's since werewolves got their power taken away?"

"Eh, well for one, they have no mates. So they choose the person they want, and although they are stronger than werewolves now, they king can't have a heir with vampire, he has to have a heir with a human, that's the only way to get another King of Vampires."

"Wait but i thought they were just born randomly."

"Oh no, they had developed a way to keep a seed preserved for many years, then until the witch who cast the magical barrier either dies or activates it, the woman holding onto the seed won't have the king."

"So there's another king of vampires?"

"Indeed. You probably already know about it, but he's reached the age to take the throne."

"How long can a witch live for?"

"Well, it depends."

"On what?"

"Whether they are a true witch or not. True witches can survive up to 300 years but we don't really know anymore, as most of them have gone extinct."

"And what of like non-true witches?"

"Well, they live a human life plus a bit."


"Well anyways, we have to get a move on, I set a place where all the rogues will gather, and it took me a lot of time to do it." He smiled at me.

"How did you do it? Rogues don't really listen."

"Well magicians never reveal their secrets."

"You're not a magician."

"Ouch, i considered myself to be one pulling it all together."

"Well tell me how you did it anyways."

"No, you have to get a move on, your stinking up my house."

"I don't smell!" I said, sniffing my arms.

"Yes you do, when was the last time you even took a bath?" His face squished up into a disgusted face. "I'm a werewolf, and you smell like a pig, I bet they can smell you from across the town, and to think you slept on my couch."

My mouth fell open,"Fine gimme some clothes and show me to your bathroom."

"Good, maybe my house will start smelling clean again." He said as he got up and went to his room, with me following behind. He threw a shirt and shorts at me, and pointed towards the bathroom,"Right there.Now go."

I laughed, mocked a saluted then left into the bathroom. Stripping off all my clothes, i found myself looking into a broken mirror, not only did I smell dirty I looked the part too. I stepped into the shower and turned on the water letting it fall over me, then I started to clean my skin, washing all the grime away with the men's body wash that was there.

By the time I came out of the shower he was already changed, and watching a television show.

"What are you watching?"

"Some kids cartoon."

"Yeah I see that. Which one?"

"I don't really know, I think it's called Looney Tunes or something."

"Fun, so when are we going?" I said jumping over the couch and setting myself down.

"Yeah, were going right now." He said, turning the t.v off and getting up off of the couch. He started towards the door with me in tow.

He walked outside, I followed letting the bright light wash over me.  I squinted, as my eyes adjusted to the light, then all of a sudden I felt a white hot pain in my back, I felt the pain all over my body before I grunted and fell down on my knees, my eyes started to feel heavy before they closed I saw him smiling at me, he bent down, and looked me face to face. "Let me introduce myself for real now, my name is Draven and I own this place."


Author: Hey guys, thanks for reading this far, please comment and vote if you wish. You guys really kept me going, even though I had picked this book up after 2 years. 

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