Game On!!

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The boys went into the sitting room to have their pep talk while we had ours outside.

“ok so we need to make the boys think were absolutely shit” becky hesitated

“ok so how about we act like we don’t have a clue of how to play then after they get their first goal we bring out the skills” I suggest

“that’s it, aly you’re a genius” becky smiled

“aww thanks its not everyday I come up with a good plan or any plan at all” I replied

“true that, right I’ll go get the boys shall I” becky said walking off

The boys came out with massive smiles on their heads probably because they thought they were winning, becky followed out behind them carrying a crate of beer and both mine and naths families decided to come out and watch, all the subs went over to the wall so everybody wouldn’t be in the one area at, and all us subs got to get to know each other a bit better, well only Jay and Beth since I already knew nath and brooke already knew dan. After a few minutes I began to realize watching them play football wasn’t fun seens as both me and brooke ended up in naths mums flower bed. (I got hit with the ball and fell of the wall and brooke well she just laughed to hard and shortly joined me)

“bebe are you ok” nath asked

“no…I think I broke my ass” I replied

“oh come on…grow some balls” becky shouted

“sorry to disappoint you but I cant as you can see im a girl” I replied smartly

“come here” nath said holding out his hand to help me up

“at least some ones nice and he wasn’t even the one who hit me” I said looking a becky

“maybe we should stop playing football” tom suggested

“NOOOO” me and becky screamed

“ok, well then game on” tom replied

“im just going to shield myself from the ball by sitting behind the wall” I said

“ok” they said in sync

A few minutes passed and the boys got their first goal and us girls were ready to stop playing all sweet and innocent.

“ok everyone is playing now” Becky said everyone just agreed

“lemme just grab a beer quickly” becky finished while walking off

“oh my god are ya serious” beth replied

“im coming jeez pass the ball” becky said while picking up the ball to kick it in but instead kick dropped her beer

“you stupid wanker” becky said in frustration to herself

“Swaaa” brooke said laughing

“look becs calm down it was only a beer” I replied

“ya a beer I was going to drink” she said

“theres more in the crate and fridge” beth said

“no it doesn’t matter anymore lets just get back to the game” becky replied

“here you can have mine” tom offered

“no thanks” she replied

“take it honestly I can get another one” tom said

“no its your thanks but no thanks” she replied

“ok” tom smiled

“eh can we get back to the game now” max asked

“oh ya the game girls ye ready” becky replied we all just nodded

We played by the rules and after about 45 minutes we decided to take half time and guess what we were winning by 3:1 #FemaleDenomination.

“how the fuck did ye do that” tom asked

“do what” becky replied

 “get 3 fucking goals when ye were bloody shit earlier” he said

“I don’t know maybe we went a bit easy on ye” she replied grabbing his beer out of his hand

“course ye did, and I thought you didn’t want my beer” he asked

“is that what I said I meant I did want it just not then” she replied going over to the wall

“well can I have some before you down it” he asked

“ahm no” she replied

“oh come on” he begged

“fine, come and get it so” becky smiled

Just as tom went to grab the beer of becky she jumped off the wall and went running down the road and guess who followed tomtom.

“wow there deffo not flirting” nath said

“I know its not half obvious” I replied

“wanna beer while im getting one” he asked

“ahm no but will ya see if there a wkd in there” I replied

“ok come with me” he asked

“why is you afraid” I replied jokingly

“maybe” he said putting on a little baby voice

“aw ok I’ll go with you” I smiled getting up of the grass.

A/N>>>>>>>> hey i know we havent updated in a week or two but we have been super busy :( but were trying to make it up to ye :) anyway if you like the fanfic Vote/Fan and if you want a specific scenaro to happen let us know and we will try include it in the fanfic at some point :D xxxx

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