Chapter 3 Part 2

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~Flash back to last chapter~
Lucy pov~
They still fight like old times." I thought.
~flash back~
"Freezer!" "Hot pepper!" "Pop sickle!" "Summer!" "Hey that's what my name means ice beam!" Natsu and Gray yelled at each other until...
"WILL YOU TWO SHUT THE FRICK UP I'M TRYING TO EAT MY CAKE HERE OK, GOT IT, GOOD!!!!!!!" Erza yelled shutting up the whole guild. "AYE SIR!!" Those two yelled together afraid.
~flash back ends~
'Good times, good times.' I thought.
~Time skip~
'So the mission we're on is a S-class mission and during the 3 months I was training and now I can summon 3 spirits (3 months ago was when Fairy Tail defeated Tartaros and also in this story Fairy Tail didn't disband plus aquarius didn't disappear, ok back to the story) in this town almost everything is purple but that's not that weird right?' "Are you all from the guild Fairy Tail right?" A little kid asked. "Yes we are little kid." Natsu said. "Well, hello my name is Red. My dad sent the request and he told me to meet you guys and gals. Now I'll show you around Lavender Town, come on." Red said walking off.

Red pov~
'That girl with blue hair is so cute. (Red Glitches Age:11, has two siblings, Silver Age:15, May Age:7) I showed the members of Fairy Tail to dad's house. We all walked into see my dad siting behind his desk.  "Hello my name is Ben Glitches the mayor of this town, I guess you're wondering why you are here it's because  little children have been going missing around here. And see here my little daughter was kidnapped by the kidnapper and Red here got away from the kidnapper. Red please explain what happened to you for them." Dad said. "Okay dad, so me and little sister, May were playing in a flower field near the woods outside of Lavender town when (play music here) we heard our mother's music box melody but someone was singing with it. I didn't know what was happening but we both feel really sleepy, May was the first to fall asleep I tried my best to wake her up but it didn't work. I almost fell asleep when I saw a yellow being and a pink being in front of me and May but then the pink being went in front of May and picked her up it looked like a woman then the other being walked over to me and it said,"You are to old to play with little children now go to sleep~" but before I fell asleep I saw that the being was a man then I fell asleep. (Finish the song) And when I woke up I was back home but not May." (To be continued...)

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