Flashbacks And the test

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Willoe pov

Damn go lay her down. Shit ever since our parents died, everything just went to hell. Camellia is fucked up and no one can't make her go back to school. Ty selling drugs, and Penelope is the only wise one right now, and for me I don't know what the fuck to do no more it's been hell for everyone.

(The next morning)

My alarm went off, I pressed the snoozed button and lay there for a while then I got up and took a shower after I took a shower. I went to my room and put on a black shirt, with black jeans and my black booties on. I went to the mirror and brunch my hair out I put it in a high ponytail with a flower in it, I went to go brush my teethes smiling in the mirror with what I got on going out seeing Lola watching Sponge bob big ass baby hugging asking her are you okay she shook her head she was okay i gave her one of my famous fake smiles seeing her look down depressed damn.

Lola Pov

I got up remembering what happened last night


hey getting pulled to someone hard chest looking up to see roshaw brother byson um m-may i h-help you i stuttered slightly come with me his deep voice made me flinch i-i he started pulling me up the stairs of the club l-let me g-go he only squeezed my wrist tighter trying to get from his grip finally getting out of his grip i walked away let me rephrase that i ran

but got stopped by a caramel skinned boy with hazel eyes and a the other was light skinned with black eyes sike he was ugly he was charcoal black and he look like he was on that stuff this guy was trying to sell me in front of corners(its a convenient store) i gave them that let me pass look like a boss sike that shit said please don't hurt me i'm scared they grab me by my hair and drug me to byson w-what d-do y-you want i cried out he just smirked at me tears falling out my eyes his smirk turned into a large grin p-please leave m-me a-alone AHHHHHHHHHHHH

                     End of flashback

Tears dripped for my eyes remembering what happened I got up and looked at my self in the Mirror seeing a large bruise on my arm at least I don't have nothing on my face I said wiping the tears off my face going down stairs and cut on the tv putting on a suitable show spongebob I couldn't get what happen last night out of my mind

Getting stopped in my thoughts when someone hugged me are you okay Turning around to see Willoe I shook my head yeah seeing her give me a fake smile tears dropped for out my eyes

W-why m-me I stuttered out I don't know and I'm going to find out said willoe do you want to go to school

Willoe pov

Do you want to go to school I said feeling guilty of what I just asked her she looked down. U-um I-I g-guess alright go get dressed and I call Ty to come pick us up she nodded and walked to the my bed room

Ty pov

Ring ring ring damn ring ring ring not not picking it up ring ring r- hello damn Ty baby who that looking around seeing I wasn't at home.

(Ty and willoes convo)

Hello damn u don't have to be so mean. Said Willoe

Whatever just tell what u want. I said

I was wondering if u can give me and Lola a ride to school. She said

No I got to work so ride the school bus for now. I said

Please Ty I promise I won't ask for anything from u ever again please and plus u know I don't ride the school bus I feel like a bum riding that bus so please. She said sounding like a whimper dog

Ok, I sigh in defect I'll be. There in one min bye love you.

Yay and bye see you in one min. She said cheerfully.

(Ended of convo)

After getting off the phone with Willoe I got dress for work and went to the car."

Third person  pov

Lola came down remembering about the pregnancy test walking let me refrase that she ran to Willoe asking for one but she was so nervous she asked and walked in to the bathroom leaving willoe worried ass hell five minutes later Lola came out with her head done showing me the test

It was positive OH HELL NO go try again tears dropped for her eyes she didn't say nothing she walked back in to the bathroom a few minutes later

She ran out holding it to my face oh my god

(Cliff hanger do you think Lola's pregnant) we'll read on and find out first book so updates are slow

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