It begins - Chapter 1

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It had been a disaster. The cherry red 1998 Firebird had been flipped over from the impact of the crash. The driver was in excruciating pain. Her nose and face were bleeding, the red of the blood matching the girls beloved hoodie, but she was determined. She was determined to reach her destination and nothing was going to stop her... except maybe death.

But we'll save that for another day. So how did the girl end up in that mess?
Well it starts back. Wayyy back to about 3 years prior to the horrible tragedy. Back to the first day at a new school for Ruby Rose at Beacon Academy, and back to the a time when the young girl would have never thought anything bad would happen to her in the future, and boy was she wrong.

It was almost 6:00AM and even in her sleep, Ruby kept a small grin on her face. Just a week before now, Ruby had recieved a letter from Beacon Academy, one of the best Highschools in Vale Unified District, that notified her that she had passed the entrance exams. This was the infamous school that Ruby had set her sights on even as a young child. After all, her parents and sister have gone to Beacon, and Ruby was not missing out. Rose had acceptional grades and had always wanted to go to Beacon. Since 5th grade the young girl had the option to skip a grade due to her academic intelligence. Seeing as though it would bring her a year closer to Beacon she accepted and had always been a year younger than those in her grade.

Not that it was a bad thing or anything, the kids in her grade had mostly thought of her as equal, except for maybe her childish behavior and the way her eyes would brighten at the sound of the word 'cookies,' but now her dream was finally coming true. So of course the young girl was ecstatic even in her sleep.

"Beep beep beep!"

The abrup sound of her eerie alarm clock jolted the small girl awake. It was now 6:00AM and Ruby groggily rolled over on her bed to look at the time. Staring at the clock trying to register what she was looking at, a light bulb went off in her head. On the bottom right corner of the digital alarm clock she saw that today was Monday. Her eyes widened in realization, because today had been the first day of school. She jumped up in joy and stumbled to the bathroom in the hallway only to find that the door was locked. This only left two options. Either Yang was in there doing her hair or her uncle Qrow was taking his morning dump.

Since their parents passed both Yang and Ruby lived with their uncle Qrow. He was very caring, but often was caught up with work so didn't get to see his neices lately. Ruby took a chance and knocked on the door. "Yang?" she asked.

Without a response the door handle turned to reveal her older sister. "Mornin Rubes!" Yang said in an energetic tone as she brushed through the blonde strands of her big mane.

"Good morning Yang." Ruby replied matching her sisters enthusiasm. Anxious about her first day at Beacon Ruby hastily asked, "How long are you going to take to do your hair?"

Yang gave Ruby a sly expression. "As long as it takes for you to be late on your first day. Plus you should know how long it takes to tame the mane."

Rolling her eyes Ruby turned back in the direction of her room. She opened her closet to see the school uniform they were required to wear, and quietly got dressed. After getting dressed the brunette walked back to the bathroom to see her sister walking out with a wide smile and stride in her step whilst saying the words. "It's all yours."

With suspicion Ruby continued on to the bathroom only to find that the sink and floor had been a mess. It had blonde hair everywhere and Ruby was not pleased. Racing out of the bathroom and to her sisters room she opened the door, but Yang was nowhere to be seen. Not again Ruby thought as she ran back out of the vacant room.

When they were younger Yang would brush her hair and leave the mess for the younger girl to clean up. Yang would run all the way to school just to avoid the mess she left for her sister, but often got scolded for it. They weren't in grade school anymore so even if Ruby did 'tattle' on Yang not much would be resolved.

Running into the living room Ruby grunted in anger. Yang wasn't there either and Ruby walked back to the bathroom. Im not going to let anything ruin my first day of school, Ruby thought cleaning up the bathroom. Finishing up the young girl brushed her teeth and hair and walked back out to the living room. Going to the kitchen Ruby saw a plate of eggs and toast with a note on it. The note read:

Sorry about this morning, I made you breakfast :) -Yang

Smiling to herself Ruby sat down and ate her breakfast. Finishing up the girl made her way to the front door getting her backpack, walked out, and locked the door.

"BOO!" Ruby heard from the driveway as she squealed and jumped is surpise. Looking to see it was Yang her expression changed completely from scared to annoyed.

"Yang!" Ruby yelled through her teeth as she glared at her older sister.

"Hey hey don't yell at me. Don't look too worked up, you might get wrinkles." Glaring even harder at Yang she continued. "Look do you want a ride or not?" Yang said handing Ruby a black biker helmet with yellow lining. The older girl had gotten a black and yellow cbr 600 motorcycle for her 16th birthday from her uncle Qrow and named it "Bumblebee" because of its black and yellow colors. After getting the beauty, Yang spent her days customizing it to her liking or as Yang liked to call it 'pimping her ride'.

Trying to hide her smile Ruby snatched the helmet from her sister and walked over to the bike. "Whatever," Ruby mumbled, hoping on behind her sister as they rode all the way to Beacon Academy. It wasn't too long of a drive, but still took a while to arrive.

Jumping off of the black and yellow beauty Yang took off her helmet and spread out her arms wide yelling "WELCOME TO BEACON ACADEMY LITTLE SIS!"

Ignoring the embarrassing yet comfy welcome from Yang, Ruby stared at the huge school building called Beacon Academy as she thought to herself, I finally made it!

A/N Hello audience, how was that for a first chapter... I know it could be better but I was just a little excited to get this chapter out. Anyways to avoid possible confusion in later chapters and to get this out of the way Beacon is a 3 year Highschool so just 10th through 12th making Ruby 15, Weiss 16, and Blake and Yang 17. Anyways hope you like it so far and see ya later!


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