Chapter 1

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One moon later

"Come on Nutkit! Hurry up!" Called Cometkit.

"I'm coming." Nutkit called just as he ran into his brother and made a tumbling mess of dust and dirt.

"They should've named you two Dirtkit and Mudkit." Laughed Willowkit.

"What would you know, Blindkit?" Teased Cometkit.

"You can't even see us." Called Nutkit as they both crept up behind her.

"Hiya!" Yowled Cometkit, jumping on top of Willowkit's back.

"Hey! I thought we were doing it together!" Whined Nutkit.

"Then jump." Nutkit jumped on top of the pile and started a writhing mess of fur.

"Nutkit! Cometkit!" Growled Blazeclaw, "Get off your sister, now!"

"Sorry Blazeclaw." They murmured back with their tails down as they walked back to the nursery.

"When can I be an apprentice?" She asked.

"Only five more moons to go Willowkit. Almost there, but Sunfire's kits are due soon so you might have a few other kits to save you from your brothers."

"Or more kits to tease me." She murmured sadly walking away

"She's got a bright future ahead." Whispered Heatherheart coming up beside Leafstar, who was watching them. "Willow will fall from the path and find truth about a stray comet and a torn nut who will all help the true meaning of the clans be spread."

"What?" Asked Leafstar spinning around to see nothing.

"I will be the best warrior in the history of all the Clans!" Boasted Cometkit.

"How can you become a great Warrior if you don't you know the hunting crouch?" Asked Willowkit while walking in.

"And how would you know?" He hissed back.

"Because I know that I can do it and you can't. Every time that the apprentices teach you it, they have to correct you every time." Willowkit replied tilting her head.

"Prove it."

"Okay. Hey Snowpaw!" Called Willowkit, hearing her walk past, "Can you come and judge who has the best hunting crouch?"

"Sure." Replied Snowpaw, "Cometkit, you go first and then Willowkit." Cometkit crouched down in his own version of a hunting crouch with his tail waving in the air. Snowpaw nodded to Willowkit. She did a somewhat better version than Cometkit's hunting crouch. "Good, but-"

"All join under the highledge for a clan meeting!" Called Leafstar. The kits sprinted over with Willowkit running after the two. "Today we gather to make two new warriors. Snowpaw and Darkpaw. Pearlfire has informed me that Darkpaw has done a great job with training and should move on to a new start. Darkpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code, even at the cost of your life?"

"I do."

"Then by the powers of StarClan, your warrior name will be Darkfoot. Snowpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code, even at the cost of your life?"

"I do."

"Then by the power of StarClan, you are now known as Snowflight."

"Snowflight, Darkfoot! Snowflight, Darkfoot!"

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