No It's Not

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The show was great, it always is. It isn't until after the show that anything interesting happens. Everyone is cooling off after, sitting around in random rooms when Andrew approaches me. 

"Hey Aria can I talk to you?"  He seems nervous shifting from foot to foot and rubbing the back of his neck. "Ehm separately." He shoots a glance across the room at Mia who is on her phone. 

"Yeah sure." I stand up leaving my things where they are and Andrew takes my hand leading me out of the room. His wide stride makes it somewhat difficult for me to keep up but I manage as he pulls me along his larger hand encasing my own. 

After walking around the maze of a venue, up and down more passages than I knew there was he looks around before pulling me into a closet. It's cramped between the random cleaning supplies and his larger frame bent over mine. There is practically no space, Andrew's body is almost completely pressed against my own as I lean against the cold wall, his hands are braced on the wall above me to support him. He reaches up turning on a small light. 

"A closet Andrew? You brought me all this way to show me a closet?" I raise an eyebrow. 

"Yes, well no. Not exactly, yes I brought you to the closet but to talk to you." In the tight space I can feel his breath brush against the top of my head. 

"Okay well then talk." I cross my arms leaning against the wall, trying to make myself smaller so Andrew can have more room. 

He lowers his hands, rubbing them up and down my shoulders gently as he searches for words. "I know that we have both been busy on the tour, and I wanted to make sure you're alright. I mean you've been whispering around with the girls, buying a ton of clothes among other things, you've dressed up tonight in-" he looks down at my clothes and for a second I feel ashamed at how low my top is "this, you've changed your appearance. I just want to make sure you're alright. This isn't like you at all." I'm almost mad at him, but I can see the concern in his eyes. 

"You don't like how I look?" I don't know how to respond, I almost want to cry and I try to hide that. Maybe it was stupid to let the girls do this, I wanted his attention but not like this. He abruptly stops rubbing up and down my shoulders and arms like he was this whole time, taking my hands in his and leaning down.

His voice is low when he speaks."No! No my love, trust me I love this." He rests his forehead against my own. He leads my hands up around his neck leaving them there as he moves his own back to my shoulders. He brushes my hair out of the way before he moves onto my lips, gently tracing them with his finger before putting his lips on my own, kissing me deeply. When he finally has to breathe he pulls back a few inches. "I really love this." is all he says before going in for another deep kiss. 

Gently he dips my head to the side so he has clear access to my neck, as soon as he places his lips against my skin we hear voices calling out for us growing louder as they approach our hiding spot. Andrew puts a finger to his mouth signaling for me to be quiet until they pass. 

When the voices finally grow dim again I speak up. "I guess we had better go then" 

"Yeah" He groans leaning back running a hand through his hair. 

I look down and suddenly start laughing. "I doubt that will anytime soon though." he looks down at my gesture and groans. 

He places a kiss on my hair. "No, no it's not." I smile purposely pressing myself against him as I slip on past him into the hallway. Thinking to myself as I go, maybe the girls were right a little teasing doesn't hurt. But Mia's words echo in my head, take it slow.

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