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When I get up to the room the girls are all giggles, spread across my bed a chair and even the floor. The various shopping bags litter the room reminding me of my impending doom at the hands of my three friends. 

I sigh looking around. "So where do we even begin with all of this?" 

Mia answers "If we all work together we can get your makeover finished in time for us to head back to the venue with time to spare. I'll start on your hair. Alana will handle your clothes and makeup and then Rachel is already taking care of food and will help Alana once it comes."

"Okay then let's get started." I give myself over to the whims of these three.

Over the course of two hours my hair transforms from it's normal unruly curls to a flattened silky sheet, my makeup is simple but dramatic and makes my rainy ocean coloured eyes pop more than I thought they could, and my clothes are simple too but still something to be reckoned with. A pair of fitted dark jeans, a low cut black top with sweeping shoulders, a pair of black suede boots with a slight heel to them still being low enough that I can wear them comfortably while I work and some simple silver jewelry completes the look, matching the necklace Andrew's family gave me. It's simplistic and I appreciate that, the girls know I don't like over the top things. In all even I have to admit I look sexy, which isn't normally an adjective I use to describe myself with. 

The process as a whole was okay, it was nice bonding with the girls I spend so much time with, even the face masks weren't too horrible even though they felt more sticky than relaxing to me. There was plenty of gossip but it was just boring for me to sit still for so long. The only thing that ever became an issue was when the girls wanted me to wear the lingerie, it's grand and all but something tells me that I should save it for another time and eventually I win out with my sheer stubbornness on this one.

After having gone through all of that with only a quick stop for food in the middle of it all I'm more than ready to get out of this room. Seeing as we took a bit longer than we originally thought we would we all have to rush over to the venue for set up before the show. It was still quite a lot of giggles from the girls until we got through the doors to the main part of the building. Walking in Andrew was turned the other way with Alex discussing something or another, we weren't close enough at this point to hear. 

Rory has to do a double take when he sees me and nudges Alex who turns and looks just as shocked as Rory. Andrew however is still not paying attention until  we are almost right next to him. 

"Woah what happened to you Aria?" Rory asks, looking at Andrew trying to get him to look up. 

"We gave her a little makeover." Rachel says for me putting a hand on each of my shoulders leading me to stand in front of them slightly.

"That's what you girls call a little makeover?" Alex asks rubbing a hand through his hair as he mutters, "Christ I'll never let them near me who knows how I'll end up." 

Andrew finally looks  up and his reaction is priceless and completely worth all of the effort it took to get to this point, he is completely and utterly shocked, just staring with his mouth hung open slightly. Finally he manages to get a grasp on himself and is about to say something when they are all called to the stage to do one final check. That's my cue as well and I start setting up my equipment, which in all honesty doesn't take too long it's just me switching between lenses to make sure they are all working properly and testing out which angles and spots will get me the best pictures. It all seems to drag on as I can feel Andrew's eyes on me when I'm turned and I smile a bit in satisfaction, but it quickly fades. 

This is what I wanted, then why is that I feel a tug at my gut of apprehension. Something is going to happen tonight, I just don't know what.

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