"You cant save me..."

Start from the beginning

"I want this," she said, "I want to do this with you."


"Maya," I groaned rolling off of her so we both faced my ceiling, " We can't."

"Why not we love each other and we're going to be together forever right!?"

I smiled at the thought and turned to face her.

"As much as I would love that, you're still dating Lucas, which I've chosen not to question, so that would make that whole situation worse. Plus were only 15 almost 16, do you think we're ready for that?"

She sighed,
"We're mature young adults. We could handle it. And you know I would be with you if I wasn't worried about breaking Ranger Ricks heart."

I understood where she was coming from but I wished she was all mine.

"I'll tell you what," I said rolling back so I was on top of her, " After we fix our group and you break up with Lucas and Cara beats her cancer, then when we're officially together, I'll be with you in whatever way you want."

Her eyes sparkled,

I nodded kissing her forehead and then her cheeks. Her nose, her lips and I moved down to her neck. Moans escaped her lips as I found a spot she really liked. I won't lie it was super hard to stop. I just wanted to make her happy. But our priorities were currently elsewhere.

Lucas POV
I waited for Cara outside the doctors office patiently. This was probably the 20th one I've been to since her parents always seemed to have work. My mind drifted back and forth between missing Riley, our broken group, and worrying about Cara. When had everything gotten so complicated. I checked my watch. I usually took her on our lunch and free period and right now we had 20 minutes to get back to school, if she even felt good enough to go. Thank goodness I'd gotten my license already. I saw Cara exit and hug the doctor who smiled at her sadly telling her something. She nodded and walked to me.

"Hey everything okay?" I asked.

She looked at me with kind eyes and just nodded. My best friend had changed so much in the last four months. She had lost a ton of weight and her tan skin was slowly losing its color. Yet I could still see that girl I'd made friends with so easily on that first day of high school. She was still so beautiful.

"Cars somethings wrong I can feel it."

"Let's get back to school and I'll tell you there," she said with a smile that didn't reach her eyes.

I agreed reluctantly. I was just glad she felt good enough to go to school. She was doing a program that was flexible for her health needs, so she wasn't really at school very often.

When we got there the halls were empty and I couldn't wait any longer.

"K Car, what's going on."

She sighed,
"So I'm done with chemo."

"That's great!" I exclaimed trying to hug her, "That means it worked right?"

She sighed pushing me away,
"Luke, I've chosen not to continue them. Because.....cus they're not working."

Time seemed to stand still,
"What does that mean?"

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