Short story

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The wind was blowing over the mountain, so hard you could hear it. Perfect wether for racing Seamist thought.
"Hey Shark! Bet you can't beat me in a race" Seamist shouted
"Hell yeah I can! I can beat you even though I don't have wings!" Shark replied just as enthusiastic.
Later at the top of the hill.......

"First one to that tree wins, ok?" Seamist stated
"Wait which tree?"
"NOT TELLING" Seamist shouted while racing down the hill.
"THATS CHEATING!" Shark roared as he raced after her.
He noticed that she was going more towards the tree on the left, when suddenly she stopped. Shark landed beside her,
"What's wrong, why did you stop?"
"Look", said Seamist,"it's a mudwing, let's go say hi, she looks new!"
Shark and Seamist made their way towards the mudwing when they heard quiet sobs.
"Hey, are you ok?" Seamist asks
The mudwing looks at them and replies,
"Not really, my friend and I stopped hanging out and now I feel all alone ):"
"I'm so sorry", said Shark "we can be your friends! We can introduce you to people and show you the best hunting spots!"
"Thanks" she replies," By the way, my name is Mound"
"I'm Shark and this is my annoying friend Seamist!"
"Hey!" Seamist shouts
Mound gets up smiling as the two lead her to the top of the hill.
"Wanna race?" Seamist questions
"Sure" Mound replies.

The end
Mound belongs to Starfaze12
Shark is a wavewing, all wavewings belong to @-AuroraBorealis-

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