Silver's Bro

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The is silvers brother, after coming home from college for break he heard what his parents did to his sis. He was outraged and started hunting all the wolves he could out of anger. He didn't get really far considering that the first wolf he came upon had rabies and bit him. He ran to the hospital to get his shot, but by the time he was there the rabies had gotten to his head making him slightly insane. After getting the shot and the rabies got "healed", he wasn't fully healed. Still being crazy in the head he killed his parents out of anger and then later met up with Silver.

Creepypasta owned by me

**i used an anime base**

No he doesn't run around with no shirt I was just to lazy to draw one for him

He got scratched by the wolf, hence the red marks

Ps, still can't think of a name for him, thinking something along the lines of Rabid or something

Right now he will be referred to as James

Yes I just came up with that name

I'm having a fun challenge in the next chapter

Boop, I'm out

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