Posession of the Alpha (Heat It Up)

Start from the beginning

My eyes automatically closed and I gasped one again,ugh he was just.........oh so frustrating. He leans back and smiles widely "you see you didn't really win" he said smugly. I bit my lip and groaned.

"Whatever josh" I say throwing my hands up and walking back to the kitchen to grab my bag,we had to leave now or we'll be late. Josh was by my side and led me towards his car,he had offered to walk me to any classes Im not sure where they are so I wasn't dreading school as much. He started the engine and we drove for about 5 minutes before we stopped at a red light.

He turned to me and leant over to kiss my cheek,making my cheek heat up and turn a shade of pink. I smile back to him and he turns back to the wheel to make sure he's concentrating. I smirk to myself and turn to him eagerly "you know today I get to mark you!" I exclaim,I was really excited I'd never even thought about marking my mate. Usually I only imagined the male marking the female but there was something very sexy about it..........don't ask. I'm strange.

He snickered and nodded slowly "yes,yes you do!" He says licking his top lip seductively. I could tell he was excited also......josh was actually quite gross but when he wasn't putting on a mask he was so sweet. I'd seen that side of him and I loved it,so sensitive and well we already know he's beautiful. I shake my head and suddenly smile to myself. I don't know why,just having josh with me made me smile. He was like......sunshine.

He sighed,he kept his gaze toward the road but what he said next left me breathless.

"And your my moonlight,the thing that illuminates and enhances a frightful creature. You make me feel alive and fill me with power when I'm near you. Flawless,beautiful,perfect..." He then turned to me so he could see my reaction as he finished.

"My love"  just those last 2 words made my heart melt. The whole mate thing is so fast paced, within 3 days im already so attached to this boy. 3 days! Thats insane!

He turned back to the road as I sat in silence for about 10 minutes,I needed to really embrace what he just said. I wasn't ready to tell him I loved him yet i dont even want to think about it...it was definitely going in that direction though. My feelings for this dude were out of this world!

"Okay,we're here" he chirped,shaking my shoulder gently and leading me out the car. I kiss him and then let him walk me to physics,I had no idea where I was going still! Thankfully today was Friday! My first day had been on Wednesday so tomorrow was the weekend,then half term. A whole week with josh sounded amazing, nothing could interrupt us!


Saturday 10:30am

I had been up for about and hour and a half and had thankfully eaten before josh could steal my food! I would have bitten his head off,my food was my baby! Me and Kasey had met each other in the games room and I decided to introduce myself to some of the other werewolves. The meeting that was scheduled for last night was cancelled and it was being held at 2:00pm. A chestnut headed guy was playing snooker a few feet away from us,along with Sam. I felt a slight shiver as I saw Sam,he had never liked me but I don't know why.

"Ask him. I can see you starting at him it's obvious your wondering about the whole "him hating you" thing!" Kasey whispers to me,she was right. I was obsessing over this too much,it probably was best to ask Sam and get it over with.

"Yeah I guess your right" I whisper back,Kasey gives me a thumbs up and I cross my fingers in response. I stand up slowly from the couch in the game room and walk towards the snooker table. Both Sam and the chestnut haired guy look to me,confused expressions on their faces. I walk right up to Sam and bite my lip.

"Can I talk to you? I know you didn't like me but just give me a sec." He looks skeptical but nods and walks away from the snooker table and I guide him to the hall. I was about to start when he surprised me and started instead.

Possession of the Alpha (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now