"We can use that kind of attitude in the training." Cato smirked as he finished his bread. He had that 'Career Cato' face on which emitted arrogance and confidence. "It will be so fun seeing them cower with fear later."

I grinned, despite of my headache, "That's true." I can imagine their frustration with weaponry while we handle them like a person would hold their friend's hand. "They better enjoy daylight now," I took a piece of warm bread, "We'll rob them of that soon." Both of our mentors looked happy as we casually conversed about these things. Although I know this isn't the typical things people discuss over a very good breakfast but I was very excited to wipe out competition. I'm not really a killer. I haven't killed anybody...yet but the thought of winning makes me so excited and happy.

That was my goal and I will do everything to get that.

We arrived by eight in the morning, making us the earliest tributes. The other Career tributes started arriving and by the time Four arrived, we decided we were complete. We, as Career tributes, have this unspoken alliance which have been going on ever since the start of the Games. We were the strongest ones, therefore we team up. Cato and I remember what Enobaria said, we are not to let them be the leaders, so Cato will be.

"The name's Cato. My partner's Clove." He said as we familiarized ourselves with our new allies. "We're from Two."

Glimmer spoke up, "I'm Glimmer Stone." I snorted at that, whoever in their right mind would call their child Glimmer Stone? Glimmer sent me a glare which was caught by Cato so he nudged me with an elbow. Cato's gesture made Glimmer look at him and then analyze him for a few seconds. She smiled and looked a bit smug. I felt a bit irritated by their actions, I was entitled to do what I want right? And that includes laughing.

"I'm Marvel." Glimmer's partner spoke. He didn't offer his surname so we didn't ask. This one was blonde and had green eyes too; why were the tributes from One so beautiful? Are these genetic? He looked a bit quiet so I decided that I like him better than his District partner, whom I am thinking of killing in the first day.

Look at her! Why is she looking at Cato like that? Does she know that this is the Hunger Games? Well...she does look like she's willing to eat him whole...

We then turn our eyes on District Four, both of whom were barely noticeable. They looked alike – both had light brown curly hair and sea green eyes - and here was the reason why, "We're siblings. I'm Jeany and this is my younger brother, Jester." Siblings were rarely reaped together and I guess this was the year when we have them. Their parents might be grieving for the death of one now since only one of them will survive. It was unfortunate for them that this year, they have us in the game. These two won't be able to go back home.

"What do you think about that show that Twelve put up yesterday, huh?" Jeany asked with a small scowl – you can tell she was putting up her own since she looked like she wasn't used to being mean. Maybe her mentors hasn't been able to find her strengths yet so they were pushing her to act strong first. "Good stylist."

"I guess but they really won't stand a chance in that arena. They're from Twelve." Glimmer laughed at her own words, as though the mere thought of the District is a joke. "I bet you, they're late because they're shaking to the core. They're so scared to come down here." She looked around, confirming that the tributes from District Twelve still weren't there. It was already nearing ten in the morning, where are they? Was it possible to chicken out in this stage of the Games?

Cato frowned, his eyes seeing something we don't, and shook his head, "Think again, Glimmer." We all looked towards the entrance and saw District Twelve. Like yesterday, they stood out from the crowd...the two were dressed exactly the same.

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