The Change

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  One week before Reaping Day.

Then I realize that it was the last seven days I had in District Two. I felt something in me as I thought about it one day; I don't know if it was excitement or longing or something else that I couldn't explain. I just felt it. I shrugged a few times but then, it would come back again and again until I couldn't sleep at night just trying to figure it out. By 12 midnight, a few hours before Training starts again, I realized what that feeling was.


I was scared that even my hands were clammy and shaky as I looked at them in the mere light I had in my room. My bedside lamp illuminated my thin fingers, small but very capable of murder, which were trying to steady themselves. I was frightened at the thought that I only had seven days of being alive. I never realized how important life was until tonight when I can feel it slipping away from my grasp.

"Damn it, Clove, stop being such a scaredy cat. You've been preparing for this for a long time." I hissed at myself, trying to sound as determined as I was before. But even my own voice sounded so weak. I have never really felt fear like this before; the only kind of fear I know was of Magdalena and her punishments. I used to cry about it at night but I never do it now. Maybe I was too used to the feeling that I manage to just shrug it off but this... This fear was so new that I almost can feel my whole body shaking like a leaf.

When I finally managed to make myself go back to sleep, I dreamed of something...

Huff. Huff. Drag.

Go Clove...go!

I turned my head and looked over my shoulder - there it was... that monster... that creature hunting me down. He towered over me, with his large almost white arms bulging with its bluish veins waiting to capture me and tear me limb by limb. The monster's eyes told me that danger was coming my way. I tilted my head forward again and tried to get up.

I have to get up! I can't die like this! I can't die a painful death!

Before I could stand up, I was lifted up like a rag doll by the creature. I screamed as his hands crushed my bones, he laughed aloud at my pain. The monster threw me aside and a wall stopped me but I hit it so hard that I nearly passed out. Before I did though, I caught a closer look on the thing I called a monster. His fur was so light that it almost white. His eyes were blue, like the sky in June, but no matter how friendly they seemed... they showed no mercy.

His face was so familiar...



My nightmare made me late for my training. It was a good thing that Magdalena wasn't there in the house or else I would've been punished again. I rushed my morning routine and nearly bruised myself on my way to the door. The cold District Two wind hit my face but it didn't hinder me to make my way towards the Career Center. When I reached out for the door but it was locked already; I should've known that already since it was one of the strict rules implemented by the Trainers. I cursed softly to myself and smacked my forehead with a hand.

"I am putting myself into so much danger for being late." I murmured as I leaned on the door and slid down to the ground. I stayed there for a few minutes before the solid thing that I was leaning on dissolved - or rather opened wide - making me fall down. "Cato!"

His blue eyes met mine, "You're late." Her growled at me before stepping aside when I stood up. The memories of my dream came back flooding in my head and I continued to stare at him until he waved his hand in front of my face, "Hey, are you listening? Ram was looking for you. He'd have my head if I don't find you. Let's go." Cato looked angry as he pulled me by the arm and dragged me towards the Training Center.

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