"Why do I always do this? You really need to learn to not do stupid things." The woman stepped over him, and Rasa felt a shiver run down his spine. "Today though I think I'll leave you to your uncle. He'll decide what actions are best to take with you."

Another curse escaped Rasa's mouth, and he felt his mother step on his arm, and put pressure down. "Again, watch your tongue Rasa-chan. I don't need you being a bad example for Sasori-chan." The woman turned her head. "Ebizo... Rasa's returned. Speak to him, will you?"

The man let out a sigh, and came over to help his nephew up off the ground. "Rasa, do you have to worry your mother so."

"Worry? She's angry, not worried. Worried about Sasori maybe."

Ebizo let out a sigh as he helped the boy to his room, and then helped him lie down onto the bed. "I'll go and get the antidote."

Rasa watched the man slip from the room. "Wait..." The teen's eyes shut closed, and suddenly he felt a bounce on his side, and he let out a yelp. "Sasori! What the hell are you doing? Attacking me like this isn't fair."

"Die! Die, die, die!"

The fourteen year old felt small fists pound into his side, and felt hot tears falling down and soaking his clothing. "You're such a pain, not to mention an embarrassment."

"I don't think you should talk." Ebizo came into the room. "Sasori, your uncle does not mean what he says. He's just miffed at his own short comings. I need to speak with him, if you do not mind."

The boy hurried out of the room, still sobbing his head off. Ebizo sat down, and with his fingers pushed an antidote into Rasa's mouth. "That should kick in soon. That said..."

"Ouch!" Rasa sat up as the pain surged through his body. "What the hell is that old lady thinking! What the hell is she mad about! It's not my fault Sasori showed up by the gates! I honestly can't watch him twenty-four seven, not with my Anbu duties! Shit!"

"Be glad Lady Chiyo is not here to hear you say that young man."


"And that isn't what she's mad at. Think carefully."

"You mean the fact I got beat up by a nine year old girl." Rasa rubbed the back of his neck trying to get the stiffness out. He felt his cheeks heat up.

Ebizo tilted his head. "No, that's not the reason either, or your childish stupidity. Well, it does have to do with childish stupidity. Lady Chiyo had a word with Lady Tsunade when they brought in the refugees. The fact you don't know your own limits, that is a problem. Rasa, do you want to get yourself killed?"

"So what if I do? It felt like I died when nii-san and his wife did. I know I'm..." Rasa stooped short. "Except, today..." The teen moved so that his feet swung off the bed, and he sat next to his uncle. "Say, old man. Something was different. I still feel right now like dying, but..." The teen rubbed the back of his neck. "How to put it..."

Ebizo sighed. "You're cheeks are flushed red from embarrassment."

"Look! I'm not getting some kick out of being embarrassed by some little girl kicking my butt! As the Kazekage's son, that is completely unacceptable!"

"I think you should be more worried about the embarrassment of calling Lady Tsunade an old hag at your age." Ebizo waved his hand. "I'm thinking it's something else. Anything of interest happen?"

"Interest? Tsunade brought her two students to enter the academy here, I guess that is of interest. That girl's eyes as well, they were an interesting color."

"Oh... as I thought."

"As you thought, what?"

"Nothing, nothing. If you're going to be oblivious, you're going to be oblivious. Anyways, putting yourself in danger, not caring about your life worries your mother." The man folded his arms. "And, your father wasn't pleased with today either."

Rasa swallowed. "That... I kind of expected that. I failed as an Anbu, was a complete embarrassment to the village. He's likely going to want to inflict his own punishment during training, like he always does."

Ebizo took a deep breath. "No. The Lord Kazekage is removing you from active duty. You're also under strict orders not to do any training with him, or anyone else. You're not even to train by yourself, and this includes cracking open a single book on the subject of being a Shinobi."

"Crap!" Rasa flopped back, and covered his eyes with his arms. "I knew there was a catch to the old hag not punishing me."

"You shouldn't refer to your mother in such manner."

"It's not as if they've ever acted as a parent."

"Yeah, you're hitting that age, aren't."

"Uncle Ebizo, what exactly is that supposed to mean?"

The man sighed. "You figure that out on your own. Your father will have more to say to you in the morning, as he and your mother are having dinner with Lady Tsunade." Rasa felt a rough hand ruffle his hair. "Also, Rasa, you worry this old man. I would hate it if you died, you know."

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