and so it begins

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the wind whistled through Bagend it was quiet and a small young woman was walking.She had short but beautiful ginger hair in plaits with big ocean blue eyes
she carried two swords on her back and she had worn boots and a white shirt with pants she seemed to have a confused expression on her face where the fuck is the hobbit hole she exclaimed.she took a deep breath and her eyes turned white. There you are she whispered a few minutes later she arrived at a small hole with a green door and marking in it she thought to herself that only looks like it been painted a week ago.she knocks on the door after that she took her swords off and soon as the door opened she chucked them at the small hobbit with chocolate brown hair thanks mate she said carelessly as her ginger sewayed side to side.the dwarfs stopped as soon as they saw her.Where is he she asked in a demanding mannor in sink the dwarfs said dont know.right on que the door went bilbo grunted and the young woman felt sorry for him the hobbit opened the door there was two handsome young dwarves one blonde with blue eyes and the other one with brown hair and brown eyes they introduced themselves as Fili (the blonde one) Kili (the brown haired one) as soon as Fili latched eyes on the woman Delta he said gleefully the woman smiled Fili and they kissed and continued for a while Kili they heard someone scream it was a woman oh crap sorry love he said helping the woman was struggling to get up to the hobbit hole Anna are you ok? he asked her. ye she repiled he kissed her gently on the cheeck. Anna was a dwarf with long light brown hair withblue eyes ad two younger dwarfs aged 10 and 14. the girl was the 14 year old she had long brown hair ( a mix of light and dark) with deep and dark blue eyes her name was Bella daughter of the prince of Durin and her little brother Bili with short chestnut brown hair with dark chocolate brown eyes. he and sister had a small dagger each for protection and dressed with brown boots and white shirt and black pants.ewww auntie and uncle stop it! They both yell Delta broke the kiss slightly embrassed.she looks over to bilbo who looks quite frustrated she walks over to him with pity in her eyes Bilbo are you ok she asked concerned hee turned round and stared at her he quickly are sure she said stubbornly he sighed i dont feel kike i can trust them they turn up i dont know who they are or in fact who you are.i am Delta she said proudly and sometimes you cant tell somethings if they found out about that.what would i do.what would i say she thought to herself they must not find out Delta had worried expression on her face all the dwarves noticed it even Gandalf and Bilbo before they could ask what was up the door went everyone new who it was him and he had finally arrived soon as Thorin Oakinshield walked in and took a seat the dwarves choursed Well are they joining us Thorin shook his head and said they said it is our quest and our quest alone. disppointment spread across the room.
The reason why i joined the quest is to help them but to make sure they dont suffer the fate that has been foretold I will not fail I am Delta a SPRIT WOLF!

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