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And you came to me in dream
And that dream was called life
And as I was in a haze,
You were leading me
Or so I thought
And I followed like a obedient
Little puppy
Because I thought that's
Who I was
And your insults were like punches
To my kidneys
And to my lungs
Each one braking me down
Making it harder and harder to breathe
And I was broken
And I broke more and more
And that's how you made me feel
And that's all I knew how to feel
Until one day
A new light appeared
Something pure
Some bright
Something that scared me
Because it was something new
I backed away in fear
Because I realized what it was
I got ready for the judgment
For the accusations
And the glares
But they never came
They never were spoken
Only smiles
and laughs
And love
Oh the love! How sweet it was
How did I know this if I never
Felt it before?
I still don't know
But it overwhelmed me
Soon I was in tears
But it wasn't of sadness
Or of fear
It was of relief
I reached out my hand
And grasped that hand
That was holding out to me
And as I was almost in the light
I was dragged back into the darkness
Fear screamed through my body
No! No! No!
I've now tasted the light
I can't go back
I kick and scream
I run to the light
I am almost there
Only to be crashed with darkness again
Creatures clawing at me
Fangs out and scratches all over me
I try and try
To reach for the light
To the hand that still outstretched for me
My fingertips barely a inch away
Our fingertips barley touch
And then light!
Brighter than ever
But darkness fights
It attacks me but He
Guards me at every angle
He shields me from them
I barely hear Him whisper
"You are forgiven my child"
And the great fight is over
I'm broken
And useless
But not to Him
Only to the darkness
But to Him
I realized as He placed His hands in mine
I was worth it
Images popping up
Him Always with me in the darkness
Silently protecting me
Fighting for me
I cry once more
And let the light shine on me

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