78)Devil in your smile

Start from the beginning

They spend a few hours there, and Lincoln is pleased when Octavia loves it almost as much as he does. They're both smiling when they say goodbye to Indra and head back to Lincoln's car. And that's when Octavia shoves him.

"You're an idiot, you know that?"

Lincoln hesitates for a moment because Clarke tells him that all the time, but he has no idea why Octavia would say that.


Octavia smirks, and its uncanny how much she looks like Bellamy when she does, "When are you going to ask me out on a proper date, you jerk?"

Lincoln chuckles and lifts one shoulder in a halfhearted shrug, "I was waiting until I talked to Bellamy."

She rolls her eyes at that, "He's not my keeper."

They both get in the car after that, and neither one of them says much else about the matter until they're parked in front of Octavia's building.

"You're free tomorrow night, yeah?"

He nods, but before he can ask why, Octavia is talking again.

"Good. Be here at seven thirty, and wear something nice. We're going to that Greek place down the road."

And Lincoln doesn't even have time to agree to this before she hops out of the car and all but skips back to her apartment.


Raven is sitting on the couch when he comes home. There's a familiar bag of craisins sitting in her lap, a bag that Lincoln is pretty sure he bought for himself last week, but honestly, he isn't even surprised. Raven is always coming over and eating his food, never Clarke's.

She looks up from her laptop and makes a face, "You need a shower."

"Hey to you, too."

She hums in response, and grabs a handful of craisins before tossing the bag to him. "Thanks for the snack."

He easily catches them before he heads to the kitchen, "Where's Clarke?"

"In her room, reading Wells' letter that came in today. You know how she gets."

And yeah, he definitely does. She always likes to read the letters in private, taking it all in before she comes back out and excitedly tells everyone who will listen everything that Wells told her in the letter. It's a process, but Lincoln doesn't even blame her. He doesn't know how he would handle it if his best friend joined the Peace Corps and moved across the world.

"How much longer does he have?" Lincoln tosses over his shoulder while he puts the craisins back up.

"Another year, I think."

He grabs two waters before crashing on the couch beside Raven, tossing one of the waters her way.

She doesn't look up from whatever she's doing on her laptop when she asks, "What are you doing tomorrow night?"

Lincoln hesitates because he doesn't necessarily want to tell Raven about his date with Octavia, but

"I'm going out."

She looks up at that, "With who? I didn't know the group had plans."

"I have more friends than just you guys, you know." He huffs out.

She sits up, "Wait, do you have a date? With who?!"

Him not answering is apparently all the answer Raven needs because she's suddenly laughing, "Oh my god, you have a date with Octavia! Do Bellamy and Clarke know?"

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