"You have a strange hobby. But that's what makes you special." he chuckled. I nudged his ribs. 

"I'm gonna fight you one day." I warned. He ruffled my hair. 

"Whatever missy. Just get some sleep." Chris chuckled and walked out. I glared at him the whole way before fixing my hair. 

About 2 and a half hours later the teacher came into our room to check on us. I pulled my procedure and got away with it. They came and left within the time span of 2-3 minutes. I almost screwed up and got caught cause my laptop cord got tangled in the blankets. But I got it untangled and settled myself down just in time. The teacher had a flashlight, I could tell even with my eyes closed cause the inside of my eyelids lit up ever so slightly from the light. But the teacher came and went within 5 seconds exactly. When they left I was able to get back on my laptop and finish my notes.

When I finished it was about 2:30 so I put my laptop away, turned on my side and fell asleep.


The next morning we were told to get out of bed at 9:30, we had to leave at 11:30, so a few students fell asleep for a little longer, roll call was at 10:45. I set an alarm for 10:15 so I could have time to get ready, eat and make it to roll call. I don't eat much for breakfast I had a couple biscuits and an apple which was enough. I don't have the largest appetite, it isn't even average it's below average. I'm not anorexic or anything, I just have a small appetite. Rochelle always criticizes me for it. 

"I just don't get it! How can you eat so little and feel stuffed?" Rochelle exclaimed as I finished my last biscuit. I giggled.

"How is it you eat 10 tons of food and only feel like you ate a slice of orange?" I asked. It usually shuts her up. My inability to eat a lot of food is unexplained. Her inability to eat so little food is unexplained as well. 

"Come on girls quit bickering." Scarlet laughed. 

"You ain't my mother!" Rochelle exclaimed. We all laughed then got ready to go to rollcall. I grabbed my side bag, stuffing my laptop in it, along with my book and portable charger for my phone and laptop. My phone went into my back pocket, my earbuds in my front pocket. I grabbed a spare rubber band for my hair and wrapped a sweater around my waist then followed Rochelle, Scarlet and Chris to roll call.

"Do you really need all that?" Scarlet asked.

"I do indeed." I answered rebelliously. She shook her head.

"What are we going to do with you?" She asked.

"Let me live my life woman." I frowned. She shook her head and chuckled. Chris threw an arm over my shoulders and grinned.

"If that volcano ever blows at least we have someone who will be able to keep us from dying." Chris grinned.

"I don't know, she'd probably freeze to death, she has no fat on her." Rochelle teased. I swung my leg forwards, my goal was to kick her. She moved out of the way though. Chris laughed and removed his arm from my shoulders and we kept walking to roll call. 

Waiting in the lobby was going to be the death of me. I swear to God I was going to die of boredom. I couldn't pull out my laptop, cause the teacher would get mad. I had my phone out and I was texting my mom. I sent her a couple pictures I took of the city last night and of my friends asleep. I'm sneaky like that, but Scarlet tried to rip my head off when she found out. Chris had to grab her to keep her from doing so. Also yes Chris and Scarlet are twins but not at all identical. Chris has light brown hair and Scarlet has dark brown, almost black but not quiet, it's just really dark. Chris's eyes are brown and Scarlet's are hazel. Chris also has a darker complexion while Scarlet is a ghost. They have the same parents, but you know, genetics. 

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