Coldplay (Tyler Posey)

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(Arianna's POV)

I walked into Beacon Hills High School. I was rather nervous, being from the UK and all. What if they laughed at me because of my accent? What about bullying?

I sighed and walked to the bathroom. I looked in the long mirror, examining my outfit. I had on black skinny jeans, a white a black striped flow-y tank top, and a black cropped jacket, and my black ankle boots.

I exhaled and grabbed my bag. I walked to my assigned locker and stuffed my unneeded books and slammed my locker shut; just to face a person. I jumped and dropped my books. I clutched my chest and looked who had scared me. He was tall and had tan skin and dark hair, pushed into a slight quiff.

His brown eyes showed he was amused, but didn't mean to scare me. "Sorry, did I scare you?" he asked. I began picking up my books. "Are you alright?" he asked. I really didn't want to talk; I didn't want to draw attention to my accent. I looked at him and nodded and smiled. "I'm Scott, by the way." he said. I nodded. "What's wrong?" he asked.

I sighed. "I didn't want to talk because of my accent. I'm from the UK." I shrugged. He had a grin on his face. Oh God, he was going to make fun of me too. "No, no, it's nice. I wouldn't make fun of you." he smiled. "Oh, thanks. Uh, where do I get my schedule?" I asked. "The main office. C'mon, I'll show you." he said.

I nodded and followed him to the office. He opened the door and allowed me to walk in. "Thanks." I said. He nodded and we walked up to the desk. "She needs a schedule." he said, resting his hands on the counter. "Okay, name?" she asked. "Arianna Bennett." I said. "Okay." she said.

"Here you go." she handed me a paper and I nodded and walked out, Scott in tow. "So, what part of the UK are you from?" he asked. "Cheshire. I'm from Holmes Chapel, Cheshire in England." I said. He nodded. He was grinning; "What?" I asked. "No, I just like your accent." he said. I looked away.


"Well, we have a new student." a taller woman with black hair and green eyes said. She had short lashes and caked on makeup and stubby fingers. "What's your name, sweetie?" she asked. "I-I'm Arianna. Arianna Bennett." I said. "You have an accent, where are you from?" she asked. I hesitated; was it that noticeable?

"Uh, I'm from Holmes Chapel, Cheshire, England." I said. "Beautiful accent, Arianna. You may sit by Stiles." she said, pointing to a boy with a pale complexion, dark hair, and brown eyes. I nodded and walked over to the seat beside him. "UK, huh?" he asked. I nodded nervously. "That's cool." he said. I nodded. "Thanks." I said. He nodded and looked down at his papers, fiddling with his pen.

I got through the first few classes and made my way to the cafeteria. I decided not to get any food, I wasn't hungry. I sat at a round table by myself so I could write. I write poems, and no one is allowed to read them. Ever.

"Hey, Arianna!" I hear. I look up. "Come sit over here?" Scott asked. "Um, sure." I said louder so he could hear over the loud cafeteria.

I walked over to the table and sat down in front of Scott and Stiles. "Um, hi." I waved. He smiled and waved. "Like it in America?" he asked. "Uh, yeah, the weather is much nicer here. Not as rainy." I nodded. "Yeah, I hear the weather's kind of rainy and windy there." he said. I nodded.

"You aren't going to eat?" he asked. "Not hungry." I put my hands in my lap. "Oh, come on." he said, tilting his head. "Really, I'm not." I nodded, raising my eyebrows. He chuckled. "What?" I asked. "Your accent is really entertaining." he said, his laughter fading. I looked down; blushing. "Say cow." Stiles said. "Cow." I said. They both laughed. "Say... washing machine." Scott said. "Washing machine." I said.

They both started laughing. I looked away. "Say-" "No!" I threw my hands up. We laughed and I got my notebook out and continued writing. "What's that?" Scott asked. "Nothing." I closed it and put it back in my lap; Can't I write in peace?! He eyed me for a minute, but then went back to his food. Thank God.

I began writing again in my lap, ever so often glancing back up at Scott and Stiles, making sure they weren't looking.

"What is it?" Scott asked again.

I sighed, knowing he wouldn't give up. "Fine, Scott, fine." I said. He- well both of them were staring at me to continue. "I w-write." I said. "Write what?" Stiles asked. "Americans sure are nosy." I rolled my eyes. They laughed and waited for me to go on. "Poems. Happy, I write poems." I shrugged. "Can we see them?" Scott asked. "No! Absolutely not." I said. "Why not?" he asked.

I thought for a minute. "They might not be good." I looked down. "If you enjoy it that much, they're bound to be good." Stiles shrugged. "I still don't want you guys to see them. Anyone for that matter." I said. "Matter." he said, mimicking my accent. I looked away. "Matter." Scott looked at him and did the accent as well.

"Shut up." I said, rolling my eyes. It was going to be a long day.

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