Walk in the Woods

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Thranduil: Lyilan, dove, could you come down from there, please?
Lyilan: *climbs down from the tree branch* Ada, I'm REALLY bored.....
Thranduil: Maybe you could go outside in the snow with Legolas.
Lyilan: but he's still out with...... "Her".
Thranduil: "Her"? Who are you talking about, dove? Oh, you mean Tauriel! You aren't jealous of her, are you?
Lyilan: Ada, no! 😡 Stop it! Stop being mean! 😭
Legolas: *Walks in with Tauriel* okay, I'll meet you in a few hours, bye!
Thranduil: Ah, Legolas! Could you take Lyilan outside.... She needs some freedom.
Legolas: Can't you take her? I have to sort out something with Tauriel in a few hours.
Thranduil: I'm busy today, I'm going to Lórien today to pick up something.
Legolas: *sighs* Fine. 😒 But you owe me something for this!
Thranduil: You be a good little elf, Lyilan!
Lyilan: Okay, Ada! I promise!
Thranduil (to Legolas): Take care of her!
Legolas: you know I will! I always do.......
Lyilan: Bye, Ada! Don't be too long!
*Thranduil leaves*
Lyilan: So where are we going?
Legolas: Into the woods. Oh, and before you moan, it was snowing last night! Maybe we could make some snow dwarves or something like that.
Lyilan: Ooooooh! That sounds so fun! 😄

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