Day Four- On a date

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Garroth's P.O.V.

I'm going. On a date. With Aphmau. What could be better? Ok, so I've got my black suit with my blue tie, I've got the money to afford the place I'm taking her, I've got the determination to make this a successful date (UNDERTALE REFERENCE). And I've got 30 min's to get to her place. Am I forgetting anything? Oh! The Lilly's! I got these flower's for a special order and I know Aphmau will love them. It's 7:20 and I hop into my car and begin driving to her house, it's only a 8 minute drive to her place and then another 10 minutes to get to the restaurant if there's no traffic so I think were fine for time. 

I knock on her door and I am greeted with a beautiful image, my true love in a purple short dress (top) with a bit of a sparkle. Not from the dress but rather her eye's, she's excited I can tell.

Garroth: Hey Aphmau! Are you ready?

Aphmau: Yep! Like my dress?

Garroth: Yeah, it goes well with the sparkle in your eye's. Did cadenza make it?

Aphmau: Aww Garroth, that's so nice of you to say! Yes, she did make it and for free too... well I've gotta get a selfieof me and you and send it to her.

Garroth: Oh, okay! Should we take one now?

Aphmau: Okay!

So we smile and a click is all that is heard. She lift's down her arm and put's her phone away.

Garroth: Oh! I got these for you! There Lilly's! The "Lilly of the valley" to be exact.

Aphmau: *Gasps* Oh my Irene Garroth these are only available on special order. How did you get these?

Garroth: Special order *smile's*

Aphmau: Aww, thank you! You didn't need to get me these though. *Kisses on cheek*

Garroth: Y-You know, I told my self I wouldn't stutter or blush but I might have to go back on that...

Aphmau: Haha! Your so cute when you stutter!

Garroth: Oh now your just trying to make me blush! Come on, your gonna love this place!

We got in my car, that I completely cleaned today, and started driving to the place. Once we got there I just heard Aphmau gasp at the beauty of this place.

Garroth: Do you gasp in the mirror every time you see one? Because your more beautiful than this.

Aphmau: Is this gonna go on for the whole night? You trying to butter me up for something? Well either way I'm enjoying this so keep going with the compliment's!

Garroth: Ok, sure thing brown eye beauty.

Aphmau: Ok I think I'm all complimented out. You know I hate that.

Garroth: Exactly, haha! 

Aphmau: You jerk!

Garroth: Come on, let's head inside.

Aphmau: Ok, Gar Gar.

Garroth: Gar Gar?

Aphmau: Well, if your gonna ask to be my boyfriend I'd better think of some nicknames.

Garroth: That sound's like what a little baby would call me, haha!

Aphmau: Well, maybe it will sooner or later *wink*

Garroth: Nope, not working.

Aphmau: Aww come on, just a little red please?

Garroth: Nope. 

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