"Tell me everything".

Upon hearing those words I start to sweat, fear and worry running through my body.

"I..I.. can't". My whole body is shaking at this point. I look away from his strong gaze.

"Please," he pleads. I look at him.

"Okay, my house in 2 hours". With that said I open the door and run to my car, I get in and lean my head on the steering wheel.

What did I do?

2 hours later at home.

Okay, breath Nicole you can do this. Wait for no your an idiot, stupid person. Haven't you learned anything?

I hear a knock on the window, well here goes nothing. I open my window and he comes in. I motion for him to sit on my bed. I start pacing the room up and down panicking. "Nicole relax". I can't FREAKIN relax because if I tell you, there is a possibility that you will die. Ugh.

I stop and take a deep breath when an idea pops into my head. I go to my desk and look for my dream journal and my notebook where I wrote down all the internet searches. Finding them I give them to Parker. Maybe he will only die if tell him but I'm not telling him. I'm letting him figure it out himself out. Smart Nicole, I'm proud.

"There's everything you need to know that I can't tell you. Yours just gonna have to figure it out on your own" I tell him with a tight smile. He chuckles and looks up at me. "You are weird you know that right"

"You have no idea". I sigh.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure?" I ask.

"You are not going to a party with me dressed like that are you?" I raise my eyebrows at him.

"I wasn't aware that I was going to a party with you," I say sitting next to him. He turns his head to me with a smirk. "Well, now you know so be ready by 8". With that said he goes back to his room.

Ugh parties, headache approaching.

I go into my bathroom to freshen up, once I'm done I grab some clothes that are suitable for a party (picture on the side, on the top right). After I'm dressed I grab my straightener and do my hair. With that done I put on a little makeup. (Picture on side, bottom right). After I'm done with everything I lie down on my bed and watch a movie. Still got a few hours to kill.

8 o'clock

I check my phone and notice it's time. I grab my leather jacket and make my way downstairs. My parents not in sight. Probably out again, I sigh and open the front door to find that Parker's car isn't there. I walk to his house and knock on his door. All I hear is shouting from inside the house, and things being smashed to the ground. The door swings open to reveal a very angry Parker. His eyes soften when he sees me, his eyes roam my body.

"Are you ready to go?", I say snapping him out of the trance he was in. "Yeah let's go". He says closing the door behind him. He walks in front of me and I take notice of his outfit. Plain white shirt black jeans and a leather jacket. Classic.

He stops all of the sudden, saying something to himself that I can't hear. "Something wrong?"

He turns to face me; scratching the back of his head. "I um kinda of borrowed my car to a friend". I roll my eyes with him laughing nervously.

"Well then how do you expect us to get to the party", I ask a bit irritated.

"There is one other way of transportation I have," he says smirking looking down at the ground then slowly looking in my direction. Those eyes damn, Nicole focus.

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