Did That Really Just Happen?

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I finally got around to making this update haha. I'm so sorry for the delay, things have been crazy with the new year. But any ways, I've been thinking about this update for a long time and I'm really excited. FYI this chapter will have extreme fluff and cute stuff so I hope you're all ready. Enjoy!


Nozomi's P.O.V.

I lay restless in my bed, only hours after Eli had left. I pressed my face into my pillow, trying to calm my rapidly beating heart. I closed my eyes, rolling over so I was facing the ceiling. "Elichi... Elichi.. Elichi is all I need."

I looked up at the ceiling, my mind beginning to wander towards the part of me that longed to be with Eli. I bit my lip, the only sound was my heart pounding in my ears. As my fantasy began steering towards a more intimate subject, my cellphone rang, the sharp sound piercing the silence of my room.

I jumped, startled by the sudden noise and sat up. I grabbed my phone off my bedside table after calming my heart. I flipped it open and put it up to my ear. "Hello, Nozomi speaking."

"Ah, Nozomi!" I froze, hearing Eli's voice on the other end. "I apologize for calling so late, I just can't wait until tomorrow."

"No, no don't worry Elichi. I... Want to see you too." I fiddled with the bow on my nightgown, a blush slowly crawling it's way across my cheeks.

"Would you mind if I came over right now? I don't want to intrude."

"Please, we haven't had a sleep over in awhile." I smiled softly, getting up to walk to the kitchen. "I'll prepare some food for us and we'll work on the song before we head off to bed."

"Sounds like a plan. I'll catch a bus over right now. See you soon." She hung up right afterwards. I knew I only had about fifteen minutes to prepare my home so I put a kettle on the stove for some tea and searched my cabinets for snack foods that Eli and I could share.

After I searched for five minutes, I finally found a bunch of suitable snack foods like chips, fruits, and some sweets. I brought them to my room and set them on the table.

The tea kettle began wailing, the loud, constant and shrill sound made my ears ring. I rushed to the kitchen and pulled it off the stove. I made the tea, smiling to myself. I brought the tea to my room, setting the steaming cups on the table next to the snacks.

The doorbell rang, making my heart start fluttering in my chest. I got up and walked to the door, quickly checking my braid in the mirror. I whispered to myself, "its okay Nozomi. Its just Elichi. We've.. Done this many times. Its nothing but song writing." I smiled at myself before walking to the door and pulling it open.

"Elichi, welco-"

"I brought these for you, Nozomi. Please accept them." Eli said, bowing slightly and holding out a box of chocolates as her face turned slightly pink. I put my hand over my mouth to suppress my surprised gasp. She'd bought me chocolates and other little goodies before but she'd never given them to me in such a formal way.

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