I rolled my eyes at the beast of a car, it was a different car to the one he had driven me home from the airport in but it was just as obnoxious and expensive looking. I just stood looking at the car, taking in all it's sporty shininess kinda lost for words.

"You like my car?" Sergio asked me, getting out of his car after noticing I had made no move to get into it.

"Yeah its... Shiny" I smiled weakly at him.

He just laughed at me, seeing straight through my lie. He approached me and did the usual spanish cheek to cheek. "So are you getting in or did you just want directions?"

I rolled my eyes at him. "I'm getting in after you assure me this car is safe"

He led me to the passenger side and opened the door for me. "It's perfectly safe I promise. I won't even drive that fast just for you" he winked before closing the door and walking around to his side and climbing in.

Thankfully he put on the air conditioning as he started the engine and I melted into the fancy leather seat as I felt the cool air wash over my flushed skin. I closed my eyes briefly allowing myself to relax after the hard days work.

"Are you tired?" Sergio asked me a couple of minutes later as we were stopped at some traffic lights. He was looking at me as the car stood still with a faint smile on his face and both of his hands still on the steering wheel.

I turned my head slightly and just nodded, as soon as I had sat in his ridiculously comfy car the tiredness had hit me like a tsunami. The traffic light changed from amber to green and we were driving again, I looked out of the window taking in all the beautiful architecture of Madrid.

"Wait Sergio this isn't the way to our neighbourhood, where are we going?" I asked worriedly as the unfamiliar sights flew past the window. It suddenly dawned on me that I didn't know Sergio that well at all, he could be kidnapping me for all I knew.

"You said you were tired, I thought we could get coffee" he fidgeted in his seat nervously, as if he was scared I would be mad.

"Oh, thanks Sergio" I smiled gently at him as I settled back down in the comfy seat.

A few minutes later and Sergio was parking outside a Starbucks. We both got out of car at the same time, I accidentally slammed the door of his car. It was a lot more lightweight than I had expected!

"Hey! Watch my baby" Sergio patted the roof of his car.

"Your baby's ugly" I joked to him as I walked around the car to join him on the pavement.

He placed one hand over his heart in mock pain as we entered starbucks, him holding the door open for me like a gentleman.

"What do you usually order?" He asked as we stood in line for the counter.

"I want... A caramel frappuchino with whipped cream please" I decided.

"I thought you wanted coffee to wake you up?" He frowned at me like a concerned father.

"No it's too hot for a hot drink" I shrugged.

He laughed gently before turning to the barista and ordering for us "A caramel frappuchino with whipped cream and a sugar-free, non-fat, no whip, caramel macchiato please"

I rolled my eyes at his elaborate drink although it made me smile a little, I didn't have him down as the fussy type.

We sat down at a small table for two near the window and we sipped our drinks quietly as the world passed by. A few people would stop and point at Sergio but he pretended not to notice.

"So you're a big deal huh?" I teased him after he had posed for about the tenth picture with a fan.

He shrugged his shoulders. "People like football"

"I didn't expect you to be modest, when you're playing you seem kind of... Cocky" I was choosing my words delicately, not wanting to offend him.

Thankfully he laughed. "You watch me play?"

I nodded with a coy smile on my face. I didn't want to come across as a fan girl and scare him.

He grinned at me. "Well, I saved you from being lost and I bought you coffee, I think it's about time you do something for me"

I blushed slightly at his words, this was the cockiness I expected from him. "Oh really" I raised my eyebrows at him challengingly.

"Yes, a date. Tomorrow night" He watched me carefully, waiting for my reaction.

"Umm.." I suddenly noticed two young girls stood by the door giggling quietly and sneakily taking pictures of us. "Well, I don't know... I... Do you always get this much attention from fans?" I asked incredulously.

"I don't usually come to a busy starbucks in the middle of the day" he scratched the back of his neck nervously. "You don't like the attention?"

I shook my head at him, nervously taking another sip of my drink.

"I'll take you somewhere private. In fact, come to my house, ill cook for you" he offered, biting his bottom lip while thinking.

"Really? That's sounds amazing." I smiled thankfully at him.

He blew out a relieved sigh. "Ok, is around seven good?" I nodded. "Good, it's a date"

Holy fuck, I'm going on a date with Sergio Ramos.

(Please leave a comment, Eva xxx)

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